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Kamuli demonstrate against witch doctor over Kadaga

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By Trevor S Baleke

The family of Damiano Akuze, a traditional healer, who claims to have administered his spiritual powers and charm 29 years ago to propel Speaker of Parliament Rebecca Kadaga to political prominence, is now homeless as the residents in his area have this Friday resolved to isolate his wife, children and relatives and never to allow them back forever.

The charged residents made the resolution at a village meeting that climaxed a peaceful demonstration at Buwala primary school in Wankole Sub County just about 700 meters from his home.

Armed with placards, the locals said Akuze’s allegations had given their village a bad name and hence unforgivable.

Akuze ran to court last month demanding payment of Shs 200m for alleged breach of contract by the speaker.

In a suit filed before Jinja High Court on January 28, the witch doctor contends that on September 1, 1990, Kadaga approached him at his shrine in Buwala, Buganda Zone, Lulyambuzi Parish in Kamuli District, seeking his traditional medicine to help her attain a successful political career.

But the locals who know Akuze’s background and who have for long been Kadaga supporters described him as an imposter and a conman.

“He is just a thief. So if he had the powers to make Maama (Kadaga) successful, why are all his children unsuccessful?” asked Bugobi LCI chairman, James Gwire who was even carrying a placard describing Akuze as a thug.

Steven Luvaluka an elder in the community told this website that since Kadaga came into politics, Akuze has never supported her.

“In the 1980s when she (Kadaga) had just come into politics, it was me and Masooma (Wilson) – another elder who used to carry her on our bicycles to look for votes. Akuze was an ardent supporter and campaigner it our rival. Why didn’t he use the charms for his candidate to win against Kadaga?,” he wondered.

David Basoga, the NRM chairman of Bugobi B village said Akuze could only be pardoned by the village members if he discloses the persons using him to frame the speaker.

“I know the poor man, Akuze must be being used by some persons who are haters of Busoga. But should he continue concealing them, then we shall never allow him back in our village,” said Basoga.

Grace Namusoke, the chairperson of the women council for Wankole Sub county said Akuze’s allegations were an insult to all women politicians not only in Kamuli but Uganda at large.

“Does Akuze want to mean that a woman cannot become powerful if it is not by the powers of the witch doctors? He has insulted us so much and we demand that he comes out and answer our questions,” she demanded.

This website reached Akuze’s home in Buganda village but we were welcomed by padlocks. Area LC I chairman, Samuel Isabirye told us that since the day he went to court, Akuze has never come back to the village.

“His wife and children also disappeared some three days after. They disappeared because the public was demanding to have them paraded in a village court to explain to them how Akuze gave charms to the speaker,” he said.

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