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Opposition supporters remanded

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Lukwago & Besigye
Lukwago & Besigye

Ten opposition supporters who took part in a failed meeting called by Kampala Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago and former FDC leader Dr Kizza Besigye have been remanded at Luzira prison.
Bonifred Sekunvu, Moses Oboke, Godfrey Mugisha and Isaac Kaddu were sent to the coolers on Friday by Grade One magistrate Moses Nabende of the City Hall court, on charges of being a nuisance in public.
Others sent to Luzira include Sam Kalule, Bashir Ibanda, Medard Mugumya, Ronald Kafumbe, Deo Mbabazi and Musoke Sekunsu, who will all return to court on Monday for bail application.
The group was arrested at Nsambya Sharing Hall in Kampala and according to the Prosecutor, the ten and others at large intended to disrupt public order.
As for Lukwago and Dr Besigye, they were made to record statements before being set free by police.
The arrest and subsequent detention of the ten comes in the wake of a national campaign by the opposition, to force government accept electoral reforms, as proposed by the opposition.
Recently, opposition groups and political activists such as the Citizens’ Reform Now (CIREN) and Citizen’s Coalition for Electoral Democracy in Uganda have called for the disbandment of the Electoral Commission and the subsequent firing of its boss, Dr. Badru Kiggundu as part of the reforms envisaged.
The groups have since April 30 been traversing the country to preach their gospel.

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