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Constituencies to get polytechincs for skilling – Museveni

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President Yoweri Museveni has said government will establish a
technical school in every constituency in Uganda as a means of
creating jobs for science graduates.
Speaking at the graduation ceremony of over 300 youth who completed
courses in various fields at Lutunku Community Polytechnic in
Lugusuulu sub-county, Mawogola North Constituency in Ssembabule
district, Museveni also urged the Ministry of Education, Technology,
Science and Sports to create a fund to enable graduates from
polytechnic institutions to get loans for purchasing equipment and
kick start capital.

“We have a plan to build a technical school in all constituencies. The
effort is to make our children to get skills. If you acquire skills,
there is no way you can fail to get a job. Skills can give you
wealth,” he said.
On arrival at Lutunku President Museveni toured an exhibition of the
products by the students of the school and also commissioned a
workshop at the polytechnic. He handed over tools and equipment to the
instructors for the students which he offered to them as a grant as
well as kick-start funds.

Lutunku Polytechnic, a brain child of President Museveni, offers long
and short time courses in formal and informal dairy keeping, carpentry
and joinery, brick laying and concrete practice motor-vehicle
mechanics, tailoring, catering-food preparing and processing,
electrical installation and hair dressing among others. The Head
Instructor Lutunku Community Polytechnic Mrs. Evelyne Zalwango Lubwama
commended President Museveni for supporting the Institute.
Meanwhile, responding to some of the concerns raised by the LC 1
chairman of the area Mr Seguya, President Museveni said the Ministry
of Works will construct a bridge on river Kyojja to enable the youth
from across to access training at Lutunku Polytechnic. He further
promised to solve the water problem affecting the area.
The President also pledged to build a church that was demolished
during the on-going construction of the Ssembabule to Gomba road.
The ceremony at Lutunku was attended by the Minister of Education,
Technology, Science and Sports Jessica Alupo, the Minister
of State for Housing and Urban Planning Rosemary Najjemba as well as
political and local leaders from Ssembabule and Gomba districts.

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