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EALA calls for accelerated Common Market Protocol

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EALA calls for accelerated Common Market Protocol

The Regional Assembly has urged EAC partner states to step up efforts on sensitization on the Common Market Protocol in order to raise awareness and showcase benefits to the citizens of the region.


The East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) also wants the partner states to adopt a phased implementation of the EAC Common Market by prioritizing aspects that carry quick wins or deliver immediate multiplier effects.


The Assembly debated and adopted the Report of an Oversight activity on the Security related challenges of implementing the Common Market Protocol along the Central Corridor.


The Report presented to the House by the Chair of the Regional Affairs and Conflict Resolution Committee, Hon Abdullah Mwinyi follows the oversight activity undertaken by the Committee in Tanzania in November 2015.


The activity aimed at appreciating first-hand, the existing security related operational challenges of implementing the Common Market Protocol along the Central Corridor; Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs) constraints including numerous police road blocks and check points; and the ongoing reforms and projects on course to ease cargo transportation in landlocked Partner States of Burundi, Rwanda and Uganda.

The objective of the Committee was to comprehend and appreciate the implementation of the Common Market Protocol along the Central Corridor and to ascertain the challenges faced in the implementation.

The Committee held a field trip visiting Dar es Salaam, all through to Vigwaza weighbridge and roadblocks.  It further interacted with various stakeholders including officials of the Ministry of EAC, Ministry of Labour and Employment and the Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS). Others included the Business Community, Members of the Tanzania Police Force and the Tanzania Roads Agency (TANROADS) Officials.

During debate, Members noted that Partner States should emulate Tanzania to modernize the weighbridge technology and scales to ensure enhanced speed and accuracy in weighing process targeting reduction of bribery incidences, fines for overloading and time taken in the weighing process.

At the same time, Tanzania should work with other Partner States to re-look on the validity through research the issue of yellow fever cards within the EAC region as an impediment to free movement of persons

The report was supported by among others Hon Shyrose Bhanji, Hon Makongoro Nyerere, Hon Martin Ngoga and Hon Ussi Maryam.  Hon Odette Nyiramilimo, Hon Isabelle Ndahayo, Hon Christophe Bazivamo and Hon Taslima Twaha also gave a nod to the report.










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