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Besigye to Muhwezi: You are wasting time on media ban!

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Forum for Democratic Change strongman, Dr.Kizza Besigye has laughed off the proposed media blackout on the activities of defiance.

Dr.Besigye told EagleOnline  that  Information and National Guidance Minister, Maj. Gen. Jim Muhwezi was wasting time on defiance campaign ban as the issue at hand is about capturing power back to him as ‘the elected leader of Uganda’.

“It is just expected moves of a dying junta and there is no way, you can stop (me) and people from talking to the media.” Dr. Besigye said.

He added “To Muhwezi and the rest, it has absolutely no basis either in law or in practice and it is a waste of time”.

Gen. Muhwezi while addressing press on ‘defiance campaign’  this afternoon at the government Media Centre, said the continued coverage of Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) party activities by the media, It’s clear breach of interim court order issued last week.

“Besigye has asserted that his defiance is intended to fail the swearing in of Uganda’s president-elect, H.E Museveni. Police should ensure that the court order issued (against defiance campaign) is strictly adhered to and live broadcast of defiance campaign must stop. Any media house that continues to broadcast risks having license revoked.” Gen. Muhwezi said.

Muhwezi added “With this press conference, all media houses have been made aware, so none should say they were never warned. We had an election, those who were not satisfied went to court – and it pronounced itself and we have a duty to keep this country peaceful. It is a responsibility of every Ugandans to ensure that Uganda is peaceful.”

Gen. Muhwezi said that by Court issuing the interim order, it had said no one should continue with this defiance campaign and therefore, people must all oblige. “According to this court order, even talk shows” in line with the defiance campaign have been barred and live proceedings.

He however, clarified that reporting what is news isn’t banned – “Do not cover live, full stop!”


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