Primary education levels in Uganda are poor despite the marked progress registered in increasing access to education, a survey has established.
According to a report titled ‘Are our children learning? Five Stories on the State of Education in Uganda in 2015 and beyond,’ released by Uwezo at Twaweza, Uganda has not fully met its commitments under the Education for All Goals.
Uwezo, a not-for-profit organization working in the three East African countries of Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania, noted that ‘the improved national average figures conceal stark contrasts between the different districts and wealth classes of Uganda’.
The Uwezo Uganda Director Dr Mary Goretti Nakabugo, said at the launch of the report that there has been an intensive policy and resource focus on primary education at the expense of early childhood development, adult literacy and vocational and other training for young people. She however, noted that even in primary education, the high investment in primary education has not translated into learning outcomes; too many children in Primary 3 to 7 are unable to complete Primary 2 level work.
“It is (also) clear that primary education has been prioritised at the expense of other aspects of the education system. And even in primary education, learning outcomes are low and inequitable. We need to make primary education more efficient and effective, increase government’s role in the provision of early childhood development and education, and expand adult literacy and youth training programs,” Dr Goretti says about the findings of the fifth Uwezo assessment that was carried out in 2014 and a review of available evidence.
The data was collected from a nationally representative sample of 28 districts in Uganda, and is clustered around the six Education for All (EFA) Goals: early childhood education; access to and completion of primary education for all; adult literacy and lifelong learning; inequalities including gender and learning outcomes on the quality of education.
John Mugo, Director of Data and Voice at Twaweza said the new Sustainable Development Goal for education emphasises equity and holistic provision of education.
“The Uwezo data provide a strong baseline for where we are in these areas so that we can re-focus and re-prioritise to ensure that all Ugandans are provided with the skills and opportunities to be healthy, wealthy and happy citizens,” Mr Mugo added.