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Besigye arrests: Human rights commission sets date for hearing

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Uganda celebrated its 54 Independence day yesterday. However, some of the opposition leaders spent the day behind bars. Among these included Kampala Lord Mayor, Erias Lukwago and former FDC presidential candidate, Kizza Besigye, who were arrested as they tried to leave their homes.

The two are not new to being arrested from their home. In fact, Besigye has been arrested over 100 times in the last four years.

Early this year, March 11 Besigye filed a complaint to the Uganda Human Rights Commission over the same.

And according to a response dated October 5 by the human rights body, it informed Besigye that the date for hearing the case is to be set soon.

“The foregoing allegations if proved constitute a violation of your rights to personal liberty, freedom from torture cruel inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, privacy, property, fair hearing, freedom of conscience, expression, movement, assembly and association and economic rights contrary to articles 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 40 and 44 of the Republic of Uganda, 1995.

It further reads “Be informed that the matter has been set down for hearing against the Attorney General’s office in its vicarious capacity and we shall duly notify you of the hearing date,” reads the letter that is signed by G.T Mwesigye, the Secretary of the Commission.

Among the complaints that Besigye raised to the commission include his arrest on February 19, shortly after the presidential elections. He complained that while attending a meeting at the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) party headquarters at Najjanankumbi, he was arrested by policemen and detained at Nagalama Police Station on allegations that the meeting was a threat to national security.

He also complained that he had been forcefully taken out of the police cells and driven to his home without his property that had been taken from him and recorded on the acknowledgement of Prisoners property slip.

He further complained that at the time of the lodging the complaint, he was subjected to numerous arrests by police whenever he tried to leave his home and he would often be detained at various police stations including Kasangati police station, Kiira police division headquarters and Nagalama police station until he was eventually subjected to house arrest.


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