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Besigye blocked from attending court

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“Today, I’ve been stopped from going to court! …….No amount of
pleading could get sense into heads of all these police officers to
respect the law and my rights! I can’t attend court today,” Dr Kizza
Besigye tweeted Monday morning.

The former FDC presidential candidate in the February elections was
expected to appear before Ms Mary Eleanor Khainza, the registrar of
the High Court- Criminal Division for extension of his bail in a case
in which he was charged with treason only to be blocked by the police
that has deployed around his home since his return a week ago.

Speaking to journalists, the police spokesperson Andrew Felix
Kaweesi said that police wasn’t aware Besigye had to report to court
this morning.

He added that police will remain deployed at Besigye’s home in
Kasangati and will continue monitoring the movements of former
presidential candidate ‘so that he does not cause chaos’.

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