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EALA team off to good start in football at EAC games

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Football defending champions, EALA have sent the strongest signals yet of retaining the Inter-Parliamentary Games Tournament, after the team beat the Parliament of Burundi 2-1 in an entertaining Group B match played at the Mbaraki Sports Ground in Mombasa as the tournament entered Day Two.

Dependable striker, Ibrahim Jamal scored the first goal in the second minute following good inter-change of passes in the midfield.  Jamal was on the mark again fifteen minutes later to open the gap.

Captain of EALA, Hon Straton Ndikuryayo (back against camera) controls the ball as a Parliament of Burundi opponent approaches.

Wycliffe Ketto picked up a loose ball in the midfield dribbled past two defenders to set Jamal to score for EALA to lead 1-0.

Julius Maganda of Uganda missed a golden chance to double the lead on 25 minutes when he failed to connect a pass from Hon Bernard Mulengani.

In the second half, Parliament of Burundi made serious raids often catching EALA off guard.   EALA defender handled the ball in the box but Burundi’s Hon Jean Marie Niyonkuru, failed to convert the resultant penalty kick.

Hon Dennis Karera then latched on to a loose ball and fired past the EALA goalkeeper to reduce the deficit.

In the first match of the Day, Parliament of Uganda beat Parliament of Kenya 1-0 in a fast paced Group A match.  The match was a balanced affair in both halves.   Parliament of Kenya strikers missed numerous scoring chances with Hon Augustine Neto and Hon David Ochieng as the main culprits.

On resumption, Parliament of Uganda came back a more rejuvenated side. Kenya’s keeper, Hon Kanini Kega was twice called upon to make saves from the marauding striking force of Hon Odonga Otto, Hon Nsereko Mohammed and midfield dynamo, Hon Mugema ‘Panadol’.

A perfect combination saw the Uganda midfielders race down to the flank to set up an unmarked Arinaitwe Brian.   Brian, controlled the ball, then beat the Kenyan Parliament Goalkeeper, Hon Kanini Kega on a first time shot to give his side a slim victory.

EALA players stretch before taking on Parliament of Burundi in netball. The Parliament of Burundi were more superior beating EALA 37-21 

In netball, Parliament of Burundi put up a sterling performance to upset EALA 37-21 in a Group B match at the Makande Indoor Sports Gymnasium, Mombasa.

Parliament of Burundi who were featuring a netball side for the first time since the Tournament commenced a couple of years ago, were clearly the better side, showing intent from the very beginning of the game.

Goal Attacker, Hon Sintozuma Jacqueline opened the flood gates as Burundi took a 15-13 lead at end of the second quarter.  On resumption, it was one-way traffic for the victors.  Hon Mboneko Sauda and Hon Ndayizeye Gloriose were a constant thorn in the flesh of the EALA Netball team.

Speaker of Kenya National Assembly, Rt Hon Justin Muturi shakes hands with Hon Khatibu Mwashetani, player of Bunge FC, Kenya. Kenya lost 0-1 to Parliament of Uganda. All photos/Courtesy/EAC

In the first match of the day, Parliament of Uganda were awarded the match versus Parliament of Kenya on a 60-0 walk-over in Group A match at the Makande Indoors Sports Gym, following the Parliament of Kenya’s unavailability to raise a team in accordance with the rules governing the tournament. At the moment, the rules stipulate that only Members of Parliament can feature in the tournament.

In group A of men’s Volleyball, Parliament of Uganda won Parliament of Tanzania 2 sets to 0 in an interesting encounter. Parliament of Uganda beat Parliament of Tanzania 25-12 in the first set.  They won the same amount of points in the second set.

In Group B, Rwanda was awarded 2 sets to 0 (25-0 and 25-0) over Parliament of Burundi who did not field a team.

In women’s volleyball, EALA were awarded 2 sets to 0 victory following the failure of Burundi to field a team.




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