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Religion and tribe: the ‘magic bullets’ for Uganda’s cabinet appointments

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Uganda attained Independence on October 9, 1962, with Apollo Milton Obote becoming the first Prime Minister. At the time Obote named a Cabinet of 31 Ministers and Deputy Ministers.

It is instructive to note that despite not being the official government position, over the years two factors: religion and tribe, have played a big role in determining how the ‘political cake’ is distributed.

As a result of the ‘unofficial policy’, the competing interests of the Catholic-domintaed Democratic Party and the Protestant-dominated Uganda Peoples Congress and its ally the Kabaka Yekka, in the first post-Independence Cabinet 18 of the 31 ministers were Protestants. Of these, six were from the Central region (Buganda); four from Eastern region); eight from the Western region and three from the Northern region.

Similarly, during the Obote II government from December 10, 1980 to May 27, 1985, given that the same differences between the DP and UPC still obtained , there were 17 Protestant Ministers in the 20-member Cabinet. Of these three came from Northern region; six from the Eastern region; three from Central region and five from the Western region.

Today, in the first of seven-part series we bring you the Protestant men who served as Ministers during Obote’s two regimes that spanned a cumulative total of 13 years. Interestingly, there were no women in both Cabinets.


Apollo Milton Obote, Lango, Northern (Prime Minister/President)

Grace S. Ibingira, Munyankore, Western

Amos K. Sempa, Muganda, Central

John W. Lwamafa, Mukiga, Western

Dr. J.S. Zake, Muganda, Central

Balaki K. Kirya Mugwere Eastern

Jehoash S. Mayanja Nkangi, Muganda, Central

William W. Kalema, Muganda, Central

Lameck Lubowa, Muganda, Central

George B. Magezi Munyoro, Western

Sam. N. Odaka, Musamia, Eastern

John B. Kakonge, Munyoro, Western

C.B. Katiti, Munyankore, Western

James S. Ochola, Japadhola, Eastern

J.M. Okae, Lango, Northern

Joshua N. Wakholi, Mugisu, Eastern

Dr. E. Babumba Muganda, Central

  1. Y. Lakidi, Acholi, Northern


*Obote II administration (excluding those that served under Obote I)*

Paulo Muwanga, Muganda, Central

Erifasi Otema Alimadi, Acholi, Northern

Samuel Mugwisa, Muganda, Central

Joel M. Aliro Omara, Lango, Northern

Dr. James M. Rwanyarare, Mukiga, Western

Yona Kanyomozi, Muhororo, Western

Dr. Ezra R. Nkwasibwe Mukiga, Western

Dr. Adonia Tiberondwa, Munyankore, Western

Dr. David Obiara Anyoti, Iteso, Eastern

Dr. John M. Luwuliza Kirunda, Musoga, Eastern

Stephen Omoding Ariko, Iteso, Eastern

Abraham Pellen Waligo, Muganda, Central

Akena P’Ojok, Acholi, Northern

Sam Tewungwa, Musoga, Eastern

Patrick Masette-Kuuya, Mugisu, Eastern

Wilson Okwenje, Musamia, Eastern

Yosamu Mugenyi, Munyoro, Western

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