Mathew Kanyamunyu, the city businessman accused of killing social worker Kenneth Akena is set to appear for a second bail in the High Court today.
Kanyamunyu, together with his brother Joseph Kanyamunyu and lady friend Cynthia Munangwari, is currently on remand in Luzira since November last year.
Last week the judiciary assigned Justice Yasin Nyanzi to hear the bail application after the first judge, Lady Justice Elizabeth Kabanda, denied the trio bail in February.
Prosecution avers that on November 12 last year, Mathew Kanyamunyu, in the company of lady friend Munangwari, fatally shot Akena.
The Kanyamunyus are from Western Uganda and the death of Akena, an Acholi, polarized those concerned on both sides along ethnic lines, even drawing in Members of Parliament from the deceased’s ancestral home including Aruu County MP Samuel Odonga Otto, to protest against Winnie Byanyima, an aunt of the two brothers, to stand surety for them.