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Age Limit: Namboole turns chaotic as delegates rough up Otafiire

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Delegates at Nelson Mandale Stadium popularly known as Namboole have turned chaotic roughing up Justice and Constitutional Affairs Minister, Maj. Gen. Kahinda Otafiire.

The Ministry of Local Government summoned Local governments through the Local Councils Local Council LC V Chairmen of districts and Local Council (LC3) for Sub Counties and the Speakers of the councils for a workshop on the implementation of government programmes.

According to sources at the meeting, Gen. Otafiire who represented President Yoweri Museveni at the event is reported to have been roughed up as he gave his remarks by the Namayingo LC3 Chairman who poured cold water on him.

“LCV and LC3 are rioting here at Namboole as they protest being addressed  by Gen. Otafiire” a deleagte told EagleOnline  it is said Gen. Otafiire was imploring the delegates to support President Museveni to have to age limit amended so that he could contest again after clocking 75 years of age.

The incident that has left delegates divided with those in support of lifting the age limit and those against. The Namayingo LC3 has been arrested and is in police custody.

As per the 1995 Uganda Constitution, 75 years are the maximum number of years one cannot exceed as the president. However, there are schemes to amend the constitution to extend Mr. Museveni’s stay beyond 35 years he would have ruled Uganda by 2021.

This website could not get a comment from Gen. Otafiire as his known mobile phone was switched by the time of publishing this article. However, this week President Museveni told the presser at State House that those involved in politicking over the matter were doing so as idlers.






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