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Ssekabaka Mutesa UK home in exile for rent

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The flat in which the late SseKabaka of Buganda Fredrick Luwangula Walugembe Mutesa II lived in after being exiled to the United Kingdom by President Apollo Milton Obote, is up for rent and possible sale.

Kabaka Fredrick Mutesa II

Sources in the UK indicate the first floor 3-bedroom flat on block 28 Orchard House, Rotherhithe in South London, which at the time housed Mutesa’s British friend Major Richard Carr-Gomm, is going for £2,250 a month, which is about Shs10 million.

Sources indicate that the whole block of flats is in the range of £400,000 and some Ugandans in the UK are urging the Buganda Kingdom to consider purchasing the property ‘for historical purposes’.

SseKabaka Mutesa, the first President of post-Independence Uganda, fled the country after the attack on his residence, the Lubiri, on May 24 1966, which was carried out by troops led by then Army Commander, Major General Idi Amin.

SseKabaka Mutesa died in exile in the South London flat on November 21, 1969 and Gen. Amin, who was later to oust President Obote in a coup on January 25, 1971, ordered the return of his body for decent burial in Uganda.

SseKabaka Mutesa was father of current Buganda King Ronald Muwenda Mutebi.




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