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Mubajje calls for referendum on age-limit removal

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The Chairman of the Inter-religious Council of Uganda (IRCU) Sheikh Shaban Ramadhan Mubajje has said that the removal of age limit cap from the Constitution should be subjected to a referendum.

Members of the Chairman of the Inter-religious Council of Uganda (IRCU) led by Sheikh Shaban Ramadhan Mubajje. Others in the photo are the Catholic Archbishop of Kampala Archdiocese Cyprian Kizito Lwanga and the Anglican Archbishop Stanley Ntagali.

“The issue of age limit is not partisan; it should be brought to voters other than leaving it to a section of MPs to decide for the whole nation,” Sheikh Mubajje told journalists during a conference organized by the IRCU.

Journalists attending the press conference at the IRCU headquarters

Sheikh Mubajje said the spirit the framers of the Constitution had in mind should be respected and upheld, adding that the removal of the 75-year age limit cap might throw the country in chaos.

“Museveni should respond about the position to move the motion because it might throw our nation into chaos,” Sheikh Mubajje said, and also warned security agencies against partisanship. He also appealed to the legislators to approach the age limit debate “with a nationalistic and non-partisan lens.”

“The spirit that moved the insertion of the presidential age limit in Uganda’s constitution kept in mind and memory the terrible post-independence history of Uganda, therefore it should respected,” Sheikh Mubajje, who is also the Mufti of Uganda,” said.

On September 12 NRM MPs led by Igara West County legislator Raphael Magyezi convened at Parliament with a motive of moving a private members bill that is aimed at lifting the presidential age limit cap.

Meanwhile, ‘rebel MPs’ led by Kampala Central legislator Muhammad Nsereko, accompanied by Buyaga West MP Barnabas Tinkasimire and Wilfred Nuwagaba of Ndorwa East, among others, have vowed to block Magyezi from moving the motion that is expected to be tabled tomorrow. “Disown those MPs, detest them, disassociate from them and isolate them,” Nsereko urged the public.

In a related development, the police and military police have deployed heavily around Parliament, in anticipation of Magyezi tabling the bill this week.

Meanwhile, by press time Makindye West MP Allan Sewanyana had been arrested for allegedly taking part in an anti-age limit removal protest.





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