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Stanbic Bank

IGG fails to investigate BoU’s Bagyenda over tax evasion

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The Inspectorate of Government has reportedly failed to investigate tax evasion allegations brought against Justine Bagyenda, the Executive Director in charge of Supervision at Bank of Uganda.

The matter was brought before the IGG office by a one Dick Kimeze, who claimed that Ms. Bagyenda had evaded paying Income Tax for ten years on revenues earned from her apartments in Naguru, a leafy Kampala suburb.

Ms. Bagyenda is said have rented her apartments to the top officials of the defunct Crane Bank, reportedly earning millions of shillings without paying income tax as required by law.

And contacted on the matter in October this year, the IGG Spokesperson Ali Munira told the Eagle Online that investigations against Ms. Bagyenda were about to commence. But when asked yesterday Ms. Munira said the person responsible at the IGG’s office had not communicated details of the investigation.

According to Ms. Munira, the first meeting was held between the IGG and the petitioner Kimeze, to internalise  the grounds and the issues raised before investigations into Bagyenda’s alleged tax evasion could begin. She said another meeting had also been scheduled but did not provide details.

On October 7, this website published a story in which Mr Kimeze reported Ms Bagyenda to IGG for non-payment of taxes. The source at the time told Eagle Online, the Uganda Revenue Authority (URA), the national tax collector had already begun investigations into the said tax evasion.

By press time it was not possible to get comment from Ms. Bagyenda.

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