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Re-build your image- Kisekka market leaders tell police

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Kampala Metropolitan Police Commander CP. Moses Kafeero Kabugo, Commandant Military Police Col. William Bainomugisha have held talks with the leaders of Kisekka market to pave ways for curtailing continuous riots and protests mobilized against government decisions.

With the recent protests that saw the battering of journalists and individuals at Kisekka area, rioters were demanding for unconditional release of politicians who were arrested during Arua mayhem.
Remarking at Emerald Hotel, Kampala down town CP. Kafeero showed interest in working together for the development of ideas on how to deal with the symptoms and deep-seated causes of dissatisfaction other than riots.

“Due to Consequences of these riots, the police in Kampala have begun a review of their tactics on how to handle future unrests which includes community engagement, inter-agency coordination among security agencies is solid and will continue to be so in order to maintain the existing peace,” he said.
He said research shows that most riots are comprised of organised criminals who are often from outside the area, violent aggressors; pick picketers who deliberately travel to riot sites in order to loot, opportunists who are drawn into riot areas through curiosity or a sense of excitement and spectators who come just to watch the rioting.

Under theme of building strong, resilient and a thriving local community where no one feels the urge to take such destructive actions ever again, local leaders said, it important that police first rebuild image through supporting members of Kisekka Community as they rebuild their businesses.

“Ensure that there are plans to deal with the risk of future disturbances, pursuing people who commit crimes during the riots can’t solve the problem,” said the leaders.
Col. Bainomugisha said security is everybody’s responsibility and that those who run public outfits like malls, arcades are expected to be responsible for the security of their clients and those they serve in partnership with security agencies.

“Everyone has a stake in ensuring security in our country,” Col. Bainomugisha said.

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