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You are my hero, Namubiru tells KIU student who rescued her

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Artist, Irene Namubiru, has had a conversation with Brian Masole , a student who reportedly rescued her as the boat carrying revelers sunk few meters to the shores of Mutima beach on Lake Victoria.

The accident is reported to have claimed lives of 33 people of the 100 that are alleged to have boarded and less than 25 rescued. Police and UPDF marine officers are striving to get the wreckage out of the lake and establishing whether there other bodies trapped under it.

Masole and other students of Kampala International University (KIU) had hired a boat for fun on the nearby Islands on Lake Victoria.

According to Namubiru, when Brian and colleagues heard and saw their boat capsizing, he quickly took his friends off ashore and embarked on a task of rescuing helpless people and he did it three times until there were no other living bodies.

‘He heard my distress calls for help as I saw other boats passing us by, saw the light of my phone that I kept waving up and came right to me. He asked me for the phone, bag and then pulled me in,” she narrated.

she said he tried and rescued Mrs. Bisase the owner of the boat, who however, died right away she had drowned and she was too heavy, “I left my phone with Brian which he used to save others and went straight to resuscitate a one Shelia Nankunda who must have died on the boat,”

“I thank you Brian, fishermen, the locals and all those who with whom we were trying to save others. It’s unfortunate that one fisherman died so as others could live,”

“You are my hero, and again, to God be the glory,” She Praised.

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