Local businessman and critic, Frank Gashumba, has castigated Ugandan girls who allow their lovers to take photographs and videos of their naked bodies, saying that the girls are stupid and idiots who have themselves to blame when the same nudes start making rounds on social media.
Gashumba in recorded a short video he posted on his Facebook account, warning young girls to stop posing naked for men all in the name of love, said he does not feel sorry for socialist Martha Kay who had her nudes go viral on social media weeks ago.
“I will not feel sorry for any girl who takes photos or makes a video of herself while naked and sends them to her lousy boyfriend,” he said, adding that girls who do that are fools and idiots.
Gashumba blasted those who have been standing with Martha Kay since her nudes came out, arguing that he could only do if the socialist had been kidnapped and photos of her naked body taken without her consent.
He warned that he would help hunt for anybody who takes and releases photos of naked girls on social media without their consent. Any person who takes photos of naked girls without their consent, that we shall hunt him down,” he said, adding that girls who pose naked for the cameras shouldn’t expect sympathy from the public when the nudes find their way to social media platforms like it has happened to other city celebrities like Desire Luzinda, Judith Heard, Cindy and Angela Kalule, among others like Anita Fabiola.
Gashumba said it was surprising that the educated girls in town as opposed to the illiterate girls, are the ones having their nudes on social media.
Gashumba urged girls to respect their parents, saying that when nudes appear on social media, parents as well as clans get ashamed.