The Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Econ/Secretary to the Treasury, Keith Muhakanizi has instructed accounting officers in central as well district local governments to delete names and stop paying staff who have abandoned their work stations or are away on long term study leave without the approval of the appointing authority.
“In accordance with Section 11 (3) (a) of the PFMA, 2015, this is, to direct you to delete public officers who have abandoned their stations and have not reported for duty for 3 months without giving clear reasons from the salary payroll, and also delete those who are away on long term study leave without the approval of the appointing authority,” Muhakanizi in a letter dated August 2019, ordered all Accounting Officers of central and local government votes.
Muhakanizi also warned the officials who include district service commission chairpersons, to desist from recruiting staff who don’t have required qualifications, adding that recruitment of staff without following laid-down procedures was unacceptable.
“You are further requested to desist from recruiting staff without following the right procedures within the existing laws and procedures as well, as ensuring that there is adequate budget before recruitment,” he warned.
Muhakanizi was bitter that some public officials have not returned to work even when their term of study leave ended but continue to pick salaries.
Muhakanizi said he would liaise with his counterpart in the Ministry of Public Service to ensure that the practice of public servants drawing salaries even when they are not working continuously for three months is stopped.