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Spat of murders is sign of acute failure of gov’t to protect Ugandans – FDC

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The Forum for Democratic Change (FDC), party leaders have expressed concern over the continuous kidnaps and killing of people Uganda. They said the vicious and malicious signal government’s acute failure to invest in intelligence services.

The country has witnessed a number of murders and subsequent killings of people with the recent scenario of Joshua Nteyireho Ruhegyera and Tumukunde Merina, who were gunned down along Entebbe Express way and the gruesome murder of Non- government organisation (NGO) employee, Maria Nagirinya and her driver Ronald Kitayimbwa.

According to party Spokesperson who doubles and the legislator of Kira Municipality, Ibrahim Semujju Nganda, said that President Museveni has no excuses of not adequately funding intelligence agencies in the country saying that budgets for security agencies have gone up since June 2017 when Museveni delivered his state of the national address that addresse that among others addressed crime.

He added: “Since then (June 2017) the budgets of Police, Defence and ISO have dramatically gone up. The Ministry of Defence budget has increased from Shs 2 trillion of 2018/19 to Shs 6.9 trillion in the 2019/20 budget. The Police budget has increased from Shs666 billion to Shs 2 trillion. External Security Budget has increased from Shs 43 billion to Shs134 billion and that of ISO is now at Shs 87 billion.” Mr. Semujju said adding that the above figures include a classified component of Shs 2.5 trillion.

“Cameras have been bought and installed, local defence personnel have been recruited, trained and deployed. How comes the murders and kidnaps are not relenting?” He said.

The party fears that this wave of insecurity might be perpetrated by elements within the security community to justify consumption of trillion of taxpayer’s money that has been allocated to this sector.

“Remember what happened during the Joseph Kony rebellion in northern Uganda. Executing that war become a business of many senior UPDF officers. Mr. Musweveni is almost distributing a billion shilling per day? Where does he get all this money?” He said.

He encouraged the families to take Mr. Museveni and his government to court for failing to protect their dear ones as the Constitution commands.

The statement on Thursday last week of Internal Affairs Minister Gen. Abu Bakar Jeje Odongo offered no solution. He blamed the murders on politics and insinuated that NRM competitors could be behind them. He also rationalized loss of life saying there is no society free of crime. However, government has in past successfully used images from CCTV cameras to prosecute criminals captured by the cameras.

“Any functional government would have relieved people like Gen. Jeje Odongo and Gen. Elly Tumwine of their duties long ago. These should join Gen. Kale Kayihura and Lt. Gen. Henry Tumukunde who was last year sucked and replaced by Martin Ochola.”


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