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Chaos at International Crimes Division Court as plain clothed armed men re-arrest bailed suspects

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Chaos ensued at the International Crimes Division of the High Court in Kololo, when plain clothed armed security operatives re-arrested four suspects implicated in the gruesome murder of former assistant inspector general of police (AIGP) Andrew Felix Kaweesi moments after had released them on bail.

On March 19, 2019, High Court judge Lydia Mugambe released each of them on a non-cash bail of Sh150 million as their sureties were ordered to pay Shs250 million not cash.

The four are part of the eight suspects who had returned to court to see the documents signed off after being granted bail.

The rearrested suspects include Jibril Kalyango alias Abu Aisha, Yusuf Mugerwa alias Wilson, Joshua Magezi Kyambadde alias Abdu Rahman and Siraje Nyanzi alias Jimmy Ssentamu however Abdul-Rashid Mbaziira, Aramanzani Noordin Higenyi alias Taata Abdullazack, Bruhan Balyejusa alias Jimmy Masiga Ogutu, and Shafik Kasujja were ordered to be returned to the coolers on grounds that the prison has a production warrant from Nakawa magistrates court.

Their layers however suspected that the released suspects could be re-arrested as it has been happening to at various courts and they decided to transport them in one car Toyota Noah Reg no.UAY 077T to their destinations.  Armed men however could not allow them to leave court premises and surrounded the car that was driven by one of their layers James Mubiru who in turn no spare.

He tried to explain that he is a layer but armed men paid a deaf ear, roughed him up before being bundled into the car Toyota Noah Reg no. UAF 257E that sped off to unknown destination.

The group is part of the 23 suspects who were arrested in relation to the March 17 assassination of Assistant Inspector General of Police (AIGP) Andrew Felix Kaweesi, his driver Godfrey Wambeewa and bodyguard Kenneth Erau at Kulambiro, a Kampala suburb.

They were later committed to the High Court on October 23, 2017, to stand trial. Their co-accused have since been released on mandatory bail by Nakawa Chief Magistrate’s Court pending police investigations. Mandatory bail is granted to capital offenders that spend over six months on remand without committal.

The recently released suspects include Umar Maganda, Ahmed Ssenfuka, Sheikh Musa Ntende, Hassan Tumusiime, Ibrahim Kissa, Hamid Magambo, Abdul-Majid Ojerere, Sauda Ayub, Osman Muhammed Omar, Asuman Mugoya, Ibrahim Ssemwanga alias superman and Swaleh Ddamulira.

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