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Speaker, kindly tell our members of parliament to act mature next year

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The year is ending soon and since I have written from the start, I have to make sure I end it with some piece that shows my discomfort with some of our leaders in this good country. When 2019 started, I thought it was a year of friendship, hard work and development but to my surprise it hasn’t been as expected because of a few characters who have taken politics everywhere spreading lies and creating a a bad image for our country.

In this country, people are, for the most part, relatively well educated and prosperous which of course is good for all citizens as the president has always advised that children should be taken to school but just this year I have seen how important and less important education has done for this country. It’s this very year that I have seen people with too many books speaking in tongues and on topics that totally do not concern us as Ugandans, many have also moved around the world spreading bad gospel about Uganda which maybe beneficial to them in one way or the other.

It is a paradox of our modern democracy that we have the conditions and tools to enable our political system to work better than ever before, yet all that seems to be discussed today is its dysfunction. In politics, as in other aspects of life, abundance can be good but excess is often harmful. You can end up with too much of everything, and I think that’s what we’ve got in Uganda’s politics today.

People talk too much of nonsense just to make sure they win some hearts and its becoming unpredictable especially as we get to the electioneering year because a lot of lies are being spread on social media by some politicians and to my surprise many Ugandans are believing in the lies just because we don’t take time look at issues as they are, but we look at issues as they are presented to us by others.

I wish this could reach the Speaker of our parliament before she rests back in Kamuli for  Holiday, I know she knows and has heard about information concerning the adults that she mans at Parliament, a good number of them have been so disrespectful this year and the past years and I personally think this should be left in this year.

Uganda has had several opposition members of parliament but their conduct hasn’t been so nasty like for the few members in today’s opposition. The other day a member of parliament attacked Professor Nawangwe on camera and I wondered whether that’s what the Acts of parliament say.

Let me say this, the matter of respect is core in politics all around the world. From there we can consider Trust as the other powerful issue to consider in our politics. So if our politicians look at the two as useless then we are heading for hell years to come. Some of our Politicians behave badly and thanks especially to the all-pervasive media for televising parliamentary sittings because this has really helped the ordinary people to hear and see how their representatives behave while in the house.

It’s a source of perennial wonderment to me that MPs are aware they are disgusting and infuriating the public by often conducting themselves, especially in parliament, like out of control adolescents, but they fail to curb this conduct. We regard them as responsible people but at times we look at them from afar and describe them according to how they behave and conduct themselves.

Whatever drives MPs, behaving in a manner that would be unacceptable in almost any other workplace is costly to them and to the political process in our country and could be easily changed by a bit of collective restraint. Sure, parliament will always have its moments, but chaos and insult-throwing should not be the norm at all time during sessions and even out in the corridors of parliament.

It’s usually a different picture in the public arena. Voters would like to see some acknowledgement from time to time that the other side has had a good idea, and more co-operations on worthy projects but what happens in our parliament madam speaker is that we always see you mediating encounters, statement exchanges and fights in parliament just because one side doesn’t believe whatever the other says. For the opposition side, all they do in parliament is mainly to disagree with their fellows on the other side of the ruling party and that’s the real description of opposition in Uganda.

All this said madam speaker, I wrote this just to alert you of what has been happening in your parliament and to also report to you that do something to make sure your members are respective because each day the country is experiencing many ugly scenes of your members misbehaving especially one who has literally taken the award of being the most disrespectful opposition politician who doesn’t even give any respect to the president. He has composed songs attacking the president calling him names and not even honoring him in anyway which is so disrespectful, I have seen politicians here but I have never seen any like this one who totally shows total disrespect to the fountain of honor just because he has a few people out there praising him and enchanting people power our power. Mukulu funa kumpisa next year.



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