Uganda has been ranked as the second strongest country in the East African Community (EAC) in terms military strength and 15th on African continent.
According to 2019 Global Fire Power (GFP), a US base website, Uganda follows Kenya whose global ranking is 86 and 15 in Africa with 1.4177 power index rate.
Uganda is ranked 93 out of 137 countries currently considered for the annual GFP review. It holds a power index rating of 1.5802.
Tanzania is raked 97 in the world, 17 in Africa, Rwanda is not ranked world and Africa, South Sudan is ranked 113 in the world and 24 in Africa.
According to the GFP, Uganda has 48 air crafts that is to say 10 fighter jets, 10 attacker jets, two transporters, 10 trainer jets, 26 helicopters, and five attack helicopters. Yesterday one helicopter crashed while on training mission.
In terms of land strength, GFP indicates that that the country has 471 combat tanks, 630 armored fighting vehicles, six self-propelled artillery, 53 towed artillery and 26 rocket projectors.
African Powers alluding to the website, are ranked by Military Strength and each nation detailed of the GFP is accessed on individual and collective values. For centuries, the African continent has been beset with fighting, political upheaval and oppression.
The rankings are based on Manpower, air power, Army Strengths, Naval Power, Financial Resources, Logistical Resources, Natural Resources, Geography among others.
The GFP list makes use of over 50 individual factors in their in house formula to determine a given nation’s power index score. This provides the final ranking while also allowing smaller, more technically advanced, nations, to compete with larger, lesser developed ones. Some bonuses and penalties are added for refinement that in the end we hope presents unbiased look into potential conventional military strength of the world.
African countries by rankings
Libya, Zambia, Tunisia, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Uganda, Chad, Tanzania, Mali, Botswana, Cameroon, Ivory coast, Ghana, Mozambique, South Sudan, Niger, Republic of Congo, Madagascar, Namibia, Gabon, Mauritania, Somalia, Central African Republic, Sierra Leon and Liberia.
Worldwide, USA emerged superior followed by, Russia, China, India, France, Japan, South Korea, UK, Turkey, and Germany and so on.