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CIID petitioned over Kasekende, Bagyenda and Sekabira

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Two citizens have filed a petition with the Criminal Investigations and Intelligence Department(CIID) over the delayed prosecution of former Bank of Uganda (BoU) Deputy Governor Louis Kasekende and the former director for Commercial banks supervision Justine Bagyenda.

The citizens also queried why Benedict Sekabira, the Director for Financial Makerts Development Coordination (FMDC) and Margaret Kasule, the Director Legal, have not been taken to court over their role in the illegal closure of banks.

Mr Habasa Nelson and Kakuru Sam Brian of Kigezi Devleopment Services filed the petition with the CIID today.

“We are aware that,under Section 4 of the Police Act,Uganda Police is mandated to enforce the laws of Uganda,detect crime and perfom many other functions under the said Act.We are further aware that,your office is empowered to summon any person believed to have commited an offence for questioning/interrogation and recording statements,” reads the petition.

It adds that: “As citizens who uphold proper administration of justice,one of us herein filed a complaint at the Anti-Corruption Court in Kololo demanding for the prosecution of the above mentioned persons. However,on the 29th June 2020,we were advised by his Lordship,Justice Giduudu to instead petition your office as court with its neutrality could not initiate proceedings on its own without interested parties.”

The petitioners also noted that the mentioned suspects were employed with the Central Bank and are believed to have abused their authority,causing financial loss to both the government and other institutions.

Despite receiving instructions from the DPP over the implicated central bank officials,Police has been on the spot for failing to decisively kick off investigations.

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