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Actor Charles James Ssenkubuge declares bid to run for Kampala Lord Mayoral seat

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Actor and TV host Charles James Ssenkubuge has declared his bid to run for Kampala Lord Mayoral seat in the 2021 elections.

Below is his bid

My name is Senkubuge Charles James aka SIASA a former Presidential candidate. I am married to Agnes Lilian who is a chorister at Christ the King Church. I am the General Manager of Salt Media and the Chairman of Bakayimbira Dramactors, and by grace of God I am the Lead Pastor at FRC and also a Pastor at Gospel Light Baptist Church Kansanga.

I am a Mukadde we Kanisa at House of Prayer Ministries International and a former Mukebezi at Namirembe Cathedral.

I am an O.B of Old Kampala SSS, an OB of Kampala High School and Makerere High School and finally an alumni of Makerere University. An awardee of Uganda at 50 Golden Medal for exemplary service in the field of art. And a director of Bakayimbira School of Performing Arts BASPA. I am cool headed, kind and independent minded.

I have lived in this City Kampala for over 30 years and I have discovered Kampala residents to be highly disgruntled people, sad and tired. Over the years I have worked to make these Kampala people happy. And I am that voice that awakened you every morning for 15 years on Radio Simba as Dr Mulyamayinja in Binsangawano. I am the Byansi of Bukedde TV for 5years, I am the Uncle Saulo of Ndiwulira, the Sergeant Mpiima, Dungu, Bulagayi, Eria etc. I am writer of 50 plays. I am the hard talking Senkubuge of Salt TV Omunyo ku makya. I am your true friend and I mean it.

My special call to Kampala city has always been to make you people smile trying to make you forget the suffering around us while educating and arming you for the best future.

In a sure way of changing people’s lives for the best I am offering myself for LORDMAYORSHIP as my final attempt to bring you real happiness and joy which I hope to attain by cleaning the mess around us, and by creating an integrated self-sustaining city. With well-lit streets, public toilets, where plans will be devised to make it possible for all to work in the city without being chased like criminals.

This is our City, let us enjoy it.

Happiness is my goal

New faces and new ideas for a new Kampala. Kisoboka.


I Be seek Thee to vote your very own Senkubuge Charles James for Lord Mayor Kampala

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