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Former presidential candidate Willy Mayambala seeks to take over Bobi wine’s election petition

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Former independent presidential candidate Eng. Willy Mayambala has petitioned the Supreme Court objecting the withdrawal of Kyagulanyi Ssentamu Robert aka Bobi wine’s case challenging President Yoweri Museveni’s victory in the just concluded elections.

Yesterday, the singer through his lawyers led by Busiro Constituency East MP Medard Seggona filed a petition seeking for withdrawal of the matter on grounds that the court declined to receive his evidence.

“I write to object to the withdrawal of the presidential election petition formerly filed by Hon Robert Kyagulanyi Sentamu against several defendants lined up in the petition as I write to express interest in taking on the matter and be guided,” Mayambala said.

The engineer asked to be guided on all the necessary procedures, what is required of him to take over the matter and if there are chances of him to file new evidence.

“I wish to re-affirm that I have great interest in the petition going on and being listened to by the honourable court. Please grant me the necessary permission to go on,” he said.

On Thursday 14th January, 2021, the Electoral Commission conducted presidential elections where Ugandans exercised their constitutional rights of choosing a president who will lead them through a five year term. Uganda has a total 18,103,603 registered voters and 34,684 polling stations however only 10,350,819 people turned up to vote.

The presidential election which comprised 11 candidates was won by President Yoweri Museveni Tibuhaburwa Kaguta who got 6,042,898 (58.38%). His closest opponent Kyagulanyi Robert Sentamu got 3,631,437 votes (35.08%).

Earlier this month, Bobi Wine petitioned the Supreme Court challenging President Yoweri Museveni’s victory in the just concluded January general elections saying that the election was not free and fair.

He contended that throughout the campaign period the People of Uganda generally, and more particularly his supporters endured untold suffering, torture, degrading and inhuman treatment on the orders of Gen Museveni. He cited the dark days of 18th and 19th November 2020 which saw over 50 innocent, unarmed citizens murdered in cold blood by the police and military.

Last week the Supreme Court declined to receive over 200 pieces of evidence from his lawyers who were led by Anthony Wameli. The court registrar Ssali Harriet Lukwago said the Supreme Court could not receive the affidavits because they were filed beyond stipulated time as agreed during the pre-hearing session held on Thursday last week.

“Among the rejected evidence included the affidavits of the NUP secretary general Lewis Lubongoya, videos of pre-ticket ballots, and evidence of various polling stations where the incumbent got 100%. At Lwaweba polling station where they claim that Museveni got 100% seven of my relatives who votes from that station didn’t vote, two pregnant women were in the labour ward and two were arrested,” he said yesterday.

A week ago, Supreme Court chaired by the chief Justice Alfonso Owiny-Dollo dismissed the MPs petition where he sought to adduce more grounds to support his 26 claims of election fraud, for which he wants president-elect Yoweri Kaguta Museveni annulled.

In the fresh grounds, Bobi contended that Mr Museveni was not qualified as Candidate and could not lawfully Contest in the Presidential Elections being a person in command of military and police contrary to Presidential Elections amendment Act and the Constitutional Amendment

In tandem, the MP asked Justice Owiny Dollo, Mike Chibita to back off from hearing the matter because of a clear conflict of interest. He said Chief Justice represented Museveni as his lawyer in the presidential petition filed by Dr. Besigye in 2001 and the former DPP Chibita is Museveni’s former private secretary for 7 years. And yesterday Dollo declined to recuse himself from the bench.

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