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NSSF launches real estate and IT business opportunities for suppliers

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The National Social Security Fund has launched new business opportunities for local suppliers in real estate and information technology for the next financial year 2021/22.

The business opportunities were launched during the annual Suppliers Forum held virtually under the theme; “Call for partnership; let’s Shape the future of the Fund together”.

Speaking at the launch, NSSF Managing Director, Richard Byarugaba said the Fund will spend about Shs 826 billion for the financial year 2021/2022 in real estate projects, Information Technology systems and computer equipment, office equipment, among others.

Real Estate Projects (Shs779 billion), IT systems (Shs39 billion), Motor Vehicles (Shs7 billion), Office equipment (Shs1 billion), Furniture (Shs0.5 billion).

He said these procurement needs are derived from the Fund’s overall 2015-2025 strategic plan that focuses on four main areas namely; growth of the Fund’s assets to shs25 trillion, delivering customer experience to 95 percent satisfaction rate, improving business processes; and increasing employee satisfaction to 95 percent.

Byarugaba, advised suppliers to invest in data analytics and technology to enable them successfully win public tenders. “It is evident that data analytics and technology is now the main enabler of creating and capturing value for any organization.  At NSSF, we are looking at how to cultivate new value from procurements in the digital era. We therefore look out for suppliers who have necessary technology to address our challenges and help us fulfill our strategic goals,” he said.

He further urged suppliers to endeavor understanding companies’ strategies, create solutions for their clients and have agility in responding to any disruptions in the procurement process, for long term business partnerships.

“We want our suppliers to provide us with technology we can leverage to increase our membership. We would like our partners to innovate and come up with solutions in real estate. You need to understand our strategy. You need to be able to solve the problems that arise. You need to build a clustered network,” he said.

Mr.Gerald Mugabi the Head of Procurement at NSSF Uganda and a member of the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply (UK) (MCIPS) said the Fund has awarded information and technology related services worth Shs 5 billion to local firms and for the contracts beyond Shs 10 billion.

“we have ensured that the foreign firms subcontract at least 40% of the works to the local firms. We have seen improvement in the local bidder compliance to the minimum requirements from an average 54% in 2017 to 85% today,” he said.

We’ve seen local firms using high value procurement including design and build of Mbarara commercial development projects worth 4.3 billion.

He encouraged suppliers to adapt to the use of technology for your business growth but also to prepare you for the quick response to business disruptions in the never normal era.

The annual NSSF Suppliers Forum is aimed at equipping the Fund’s current and potential suppliers with knowledge on public procurements and obtaining feedback from its stakeholders in order to improve its procurement process.

The NSSF procurement process involves invitation for bids through advertisement, evaluation of bids, awarding of contracts to successful bidders, invoicing and payment to suppliers. This is in accordance with the Public Procurement and Disposal of Assets Act 2003.

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