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5 Must Visit Places in Western Uganda

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Uganda is one of the most beautiful countries in Africa and this made to it to be named the pearl of Africa by Sir Winston Churchill. This country has four regions – northern region, Easter region, central region and western region. The westernregion is concentrated with different attractions and among them are the eight national parks.

Therefore, there is a lot to explore while on Uganda safari as you take the western circuit. This part is mostly occupied by the Batooro, Bakiga, Banyankole, Bakonzo, Bamba, Bafumbira, Batwa and Batagwenda cultures and others. These are normally in groups / associations with a purpose of conserving wildlife around them through offering cultural or traditional dances, music and drama, traditional cooking classes and much more.

Therefore, the must visit places in Western Uganda include the following;

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

This is the most popular national park in Uganda. Every year, thousands of travelers travel to the remote Bwindi Impenetrable National Park in southwestern Uganda. The park hosts almost half of the world’s remaining population of the mountain gorillas.

Due to its international importance, it is one of Uganda’s only three UNESCO world heritage sites. The impenetrable forest is one of the thickest tropical forests in Uganda and often visited by toursists interested in seeing the endangered mountain gorillas in their natural habitat. The park has 19 habituated gorilla families that are open for trekking and research hence becoming the park with largest number of gorillas. 

It is also haven for avid birders since it hosts over 340 bird species including 14 not recorded anywhere in the country. Taking a gorilla safari to Bwindi will create everlasting memories in your life time and this adventure has been ranked among the bucket list things to do in Africa by most guide books.

Fort portal Tourism City

This is probably the cleanest town in Uganda, which was namedafter Sir. Gerald portal a British commissioner during colonial times. The attractions in this great city cannot be mentioned and finished, all you need is to come and witness the reality of a few things that will be mentioned here. This amazing town has great scenery of the Rwenzori mountain ranges, crater lakes, tea plantations, hills, that you may hardly find elsewhere.

While in Fortportal, you can enjoy cool breeze climate and at the same time visit the surrounding national parks such as Kibale, Semuliki, Rwenzori Mountain and Queen Elizabeth national Park while staying in Fortportal. Not forgetting the AmabereGanyinamwiru caves which are located in the Nyakasura area, fond of historical information about the Bachwezi but geographically, they are the stalactites and stalagmites.

While in Fort portal, you can visit the Isunga Cultural Community and stand a chance to explore different attractions like the crater lakes, tea and coffee experience, hiking to top of the world, cultural entertainment from the Bakiga and Batooro, traditional cooking classes, biking adventure, forest walking trails, bird watching and many others. 

Queen Elizabeth national Park

With the equator line, this is the most visited national park in Uganda by both domestic and international tourists. The park offers great scenery, diverse wildlife including the rare tree climbing lions in Ishasha sector. Visiting the Queen Elizabeth National Park offers an opportunity to take part in game drives, boat cruises, chimpanzee tracking in Kyambura gorge, bird watching since the park hosts over 600 bird species with migratory birds and many other activities.

Large herds of elephants, buffaloes, hyenas, hippos, warthogs, Uganda kobs and much more can be easily spotted here. The equator point also offers great photographic moments and the local guide will take you through the experiment which will show that this is an exact point where the imaginary line crosses Uganda. There is no doubt to stand on your feet placing one leg in the south and another one in the northern hemisphere.

Rwenzori mountains National Park

The Rwenzori mountains National Park is another UNESCO world heritage site. Named after the legendary Rwenzori Mountains, the park is one of the best place to visit in Uganda! 

Also known as the mountains of the moon, the Rwenzori are a world class attraction that has been overlooked by tourists. Geographers list it among the best destinations for hiking in the world.

The Rwenzori National Park is located on the border with D.R.Congo and a central circuit trail to its highest peak can last for 7 days. A hike to the top offers a trekker the best memories like standing on the snow-capped Margherita peak – highest point in Uganda.

The park also hosts incredible wildlife including the three horned chameleon, one of Uganda’s unique attractions. The park is a rich biodiverse area with a record of over 70 mammals and 177 bird species.

Lake Bunyonyi

Located near Kabale town, this is the second deepest lake in Africa and known to host 29 islands. The lake was named so due to the different small birds that stay around the lake. The mainactivity here is boat cruising and canoeing which will take you to visit different islands like the punishment island, Leprosy Island and much more. Visitors can also opt to take zip liningexperience, hike to have an aerial view of the lake and relax at one of the resort hotels on lake shores. 

Therefore, without doubt, one cannot plan a safari in westernUganda and fails to include one of the above-mentioned destinations. Book a Uganda safari in western region and you will explore more and more.

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