If there was anybody who had tried as much as he could to avoid the social media wave, it was the indomitable and hilarious Gen Kahinda Otafiire.
But because of continued fake Facebook and Twitter accounts created in his name by what he called conmen, the NRA/UPDF historical member decided to join Twitter on Tuesday.
“I have joined the Twitter application in my official capacity. Ignore all the fake Twitter accounts opened by conmen with malicious intent. I was not aware of those accounts and did not sanction them,” he tweeted
His twitter handle is @otafiire_k
Gen Otafiire whose army number is R0 0014 is the second most living senior NRA/FRONASA after Museveni who is R0 001. The army officers with numbers from RO 002 to RO 0013 have all died.
Since Gen Otafiire has finally succumbed and joined the trend, Gen Saleh who is RO 0016, Gen Ivan Okoreta[ RO 0018] and Julius Chihanda[RO 0024] to come out of “hiding” embrace the new trend of social media.