President Yoweri Museveni has appointed former Special Forces Commander, Maj Don Nabasa as 3rd Division Commander.
He replaces Brig. Balikuddembe who was sent to Senior Commander College.
Don Nabasa takes over the division responsible for Eastern Uganda and more so disarmament in Karamoja region.
He is a nonsense commander.
Below is the list
Maj Gen Don Williams Nabasa appointed 3 Inf Div Commander
2- Brig Gen William Beinomugisha appointed Commandant Military Police.
3- Brig Gen James Kinalwa appointed Chief of Passonnel and Administration
4- Brig Gen Eugene Ssenkumba Ssebugwawo appointed head of Eational Emergency coord.centre (OPM)
5- Brig Gen Micheal kabango appointed 4Inf Div Commander
Congratulations to the General officers and senior officers appointed to different positions of command and administration.