By David Matsanga in London
I have studied the current trend of Coups in the former French colonies. The fragility of the states and the type of sanctions heaped on most of the countries could lead to new French sponsored coups in the states.
When you research further about what is happening in these states especially in Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Guinea Conakry, you will find some shocking underground operations by the French foreign policy makers on Africa.
In my research I came across this passage and the words of the French Former Economic Minister Thierry Breton who said, “it’s the imbecility of Emmanuel Macron that opened the eyes of Africans.
One thing is for sure that if France loses its colonies. Our children and grandchildren will go to Africa to search for their livelihoods. Immigration will change direction.
Macron needs to go. If not, France will suffer. Europe needs to unite to fight this new African vision.
If one of the heads of the coups falls, the others will abandon the vision. Africa does not have history. So, Africa can’t manage the world.”
The words above are the words at the center of French Foreign policy. That is why I tell you my African brothers from the states that have removed French puppets from power that you must be very careful.
There are serious plans in place to create counter -coups to topple the government of Burkina Faso. These have been carefully crafted by Paris.
I tell you my brothers in Burkina Faso that my role is to warn you about international operations, that could come in the region. That is why the French former Economic Minister said we can’t govern ourselves.
One of the things that makes me not happy with are policies of “punishing by policies” system which is used by Western hegemony over Africa.
Our continent has several turncoats and quislings who undermine other states in Africa. We betray each other on African unity. We have never found a common ground on unity of purpose.
That is why the new governments in West Africa must be on the lookout for all the signs of counter-coups. The French are determined to return to Africa at all costs.
If I am wrong, time will tell but Breton statement will bail me out! I have never liked French Foreign policy. So, there you are.
God bless Africa
The writer is a Pan Africanist based in London, Political scientist & International Relations expert, studied conflict Resolution, a member of Royal African Society (RAS) Founder /Chairman Pan African Forum (UK)Ltd @MatsangaDr