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I will expose flawed ICC process in my book

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Now that the dust has settled and the Truth is out that all evidence Ocampo collected was fake, I want to tell my side of story on how I stood neutral at the centre of those who were used by Ocampo, French, USA, George Soros, OSF, USAID, to “fix” suspects.

It is painful to be straight forward person and more so a refugee in exile and above all a foreigner. You could be misunderstood by almost everyone of that particular nation.

It happened to me in 2007-2008 when working for Sky news as an African Consultant and the ICC conflict happened in Kenya. 

But before Kenya cases I had already opposed ICC in 2005 in the first ICC cases of the five commanders of Lord Resistance Army (LRA) whom Ocampo selected after his fake and flawed process.  

When I saw nobody speaking on behalf of the six suspects that Ocampo had picked in his flawed process, I decided to stand out for them. I had studied International law and I hated and still hate ICC for being a court for Africans only.

Many fictitious writers have just skirted around the ICC crimes against Africa and written books based on hearsay at meat and pork joints stories. The truth is that most of the books published tell more lies than the truth about the flawed process. 

Most people thought I wanted money. No. To the contrary I spent my own resources to push an international activism group against ICC Ocampo. At times I borrowed from friends and I still have debts on credit cards that I still repay which dates back 2010. 

I tell you that aside I enjoy International law and international activism. So, when I lost my job with Sky News I did not give up exposing Ocampo. I decided against my wife and my children’s wishes to remain working for the freeing of wrongly accused suspect of Ocampo flawed process.

I won my first activism case against ICC on Thomas Lubanga case and of all African cases when I exposed OTP in an Ex-parte filings which you can get on ICC website. I addressed the press in The Hague telling the world how corruption destroyed Ocampo’s case of Thomas Lubanga. 

Since then I moved on and did a lot of international activism on Kenyan cases, Uganda case, Ivory Coast cases. It is the Kenyan cases that opened my mind how some Africans wanted to fix others and jail them because of politics.

My book will list the “fixers” and those who are enjoying today but really hated their own countrymen. My tears drop when I see the likes of Makau Mutua and other who plotted to jail me because of my stand in favor of the Ocampo six.

Then I got myself submerged into this amazing new world order politics where ICC was used to fight African countries. In Kenyan cases for example, Kenyans were silent while Ocampo ruled free with fake evidence. 

Late Kofi Annan was the key link off ICC who had the Waki Envelope which I tried unsuccessfully to obtain as the courts in Kenya protected Justice Waki. I still maintain that for freedom the former suspects must quash that Waki Report because in international law the report is not dead.

I have refused to be silenced and I have continued oppose ICC head on. I filed in my own English the great petitions to oppose Ocampo and Bensouda. The Kenyan cases were outright thuggery of international law being used to silence opponents.

I tell you the truth that France and USA wanted the Ocampo six jailed by all means. Late these guys tread carefully with these two countries. They worked with Kenyan NGOs and individuals in Kenya who hated the 6 guys chosen or selected based on fake evidence. 

They evidence crafted by Kenya Human Rights groups that was paid by George Soros to “fix” especially the two main contenders to power Uhuru and Ruto whom the clique never liked.  

That case at the ICC brought together my history, humanity, global affairs and advocacy for me. I am proud to be who I am and how I have been able to defend others without asking for money.

My hatred for ICC has got to do with my country Uganda. Uganda was the first country in Africa to have ICC indictments. The threat to humanity anywhere is a threat to humanity everywhere. This is how my international law liking has developed. 

The war in Uganda caused the world to stop and exercise its responsibility to protect. I said that Africa must never normalize war or the killing of civilians, on the continent or anywhere else.

Africa cannot afford to row back on the gains made to minimize human suffering. The Sudan conflicts, the Cameroon conflict, the Nigeria crisis of Biafra all call for a collective duty on us all.

Therefore, for me after all these acts of good will for Africans who have faced ICC, I believe that I did so with the help of God who gave me the strength.

Those who wanted ICC suspects jailed are many and today enjoy the fruits of the same people they wanted jailed 16 years ago. Patriotism at times is hard earned with pain. 

But remember the story of 10 lepers. How many returned to say thanks to Jesus. As a volunteer never anticipate a reward or medal.

The writer is a Pan Africanist based in London, political scientist & International Relations expert, studied conflict resolution, a member of Royal African Society (RAS) founder/chairman Pan African Forum (UK) Ltd


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