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Museveni urges international community to build global structures of finance, production and trade based on fairness and equity

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President, Y.K Museveni, as chairman of G-77 + China group of countries, has called on the international community to build global structures of finance, production and trade, including agricultural trade, based on fairness and equity.

Museveni stressed that the global interventions should be based on the developmental needs of peoples – a global system in which no one is left behind.

Museveni was represented by the Minister of Gender, Labour and Social Development, Amongi Betty.

Uganda assumed the Chairmanship of the group of seventy-seven countries plus China (G-77+China) during the just concluded Kampala Summit in January. This requires that Uganda will be the spokesperson of the group at all global meetings. From 5th-14th February 2024, the UN Commission on Social Development will be meeting in New York to discuss progress in implementing SDGs and Agenda 2030. The Ugandan team is led by the Minister of Gender, Labour and Social Development Hon. Betty Amongi.

“At the onset, we congratulate you and members of the Bureau on your election. We welcome the convening of the 62nd Session of the Commission on Social Development under the priority theme:” Fostering social development and social justice through social policies to accelerate progress on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and to achieve the overarching goal of poverty eradication,” Amongi said.

She added that the Group of 77 and China thanked the Secretary-General for his report under this agenda item and took note of the recommendations contained therein.

In his speech, Museveni revealed that poverty, hunger and malnutrition coupled with persistent socio- economic consequences and negative effects of #Covid-19 pandemic, geopolitical tensions, the adverse effects of climate change and biodiversity loss, financial crisis, growing global food insecurity, geopolitical tensions have been challenges faced by developing countries, which have reversed the progress towards the 2030 agenda and implementation of SDGs.

“We are confident that the deliberations of the Commission at this session will strengthen the international community’s response to these challenges,” Museveni assured.

In 1995, the World Summit for Social Development resolved to develop national strategies and to establish time-bound and specific targets to promote equality and social justice, eradicate poverty, promote full and productive employment and decent work for all and foster social integration to achieve stable, safe and just societies for all. Governments were called to focus their efforts and policies on addressing the root causes of poverty and to provide for the basic needs for all. #Covid-19 pandemic further aggravated the situation of the vulnerable as evidenced by the millions of people worldwide who are still suffering the consequences of the pandemic.

He noted that meager financial resources and weak health infrastructures continue to impact developing countries while severe food crises, effects of climate change and biodiversity loss and famine conditions make it impossible for developing countries to achieve the 2030 Agenda. Progress towards elimination of hunger and poverty which is only possible if we can turn our words into concrete actions: what do we need to achieve progress?

Museveni highlighted that first, the developing countries need financial support of at least $3.3 to $4.5 trillion annually to achieve SDGs by 2030. For this, resources must be mobilized from all possible sources: fulfillment of the 0.7 percent ODA target; redistribution of the $650 billion new SDRs; and concessional finance from the multilateral institutions and development banks.

“For an inclusive recovery of the global south economy, there is need for universal access to social protection as a priority. For this, developing countries need financial resources in the form of grants, and not loans, which over-burden the developing countries. These may be provided by the international community through multilateral mechanisms, among others by International Financial Institutions,” He said.

 He added that second, 8.4 million people die yearly in low-and middle-income countries because of poor-quality health care. More than half of those deaths would have been averted in high-quality health-care systems, therefore (SG Report), developing countries require fiscal space to provide social protection and universal health coverage to their populations.

“We encourage the austerity measures and debt repayment plans mandated by International Financial Institutions, to safeguard millions of people in their respective countries from experiencing various forms of poverty and starvation. There is an imperative need for debt restructuring and review of austerity support global efforts towards sustainable development, food security and debt long-term sustainability,” Museveni guided.

Third, the intersection of poverty, food insecurity and, climate change and environmental degradation call for a sustainable livelihood approach. This can be best realized by reaffirming the commitment of achieving sustainable development in its three dimensions – economic, social and environmental – in a balanced and integrated manner through, inter alia, the creation of employment opportunities for all and strengthened climate adaptation and mitigation capacities.

Fourth, equal access to quality education and lifelong learning opportunities including vocational and skills training, can help workers to be more resilient to shocks and can create sustainable employment opportunities. It is also important to recover learning losses during COVID-19, as distance learning is not an option for at least 80 million students in low- and middle-income countries. This reality reflects the urgent need to close the digital divide as a matter of priority. Investment in early childhood education and care contributes significantly to reducing child poverty and breaking intergenerational cycles of poverty.

 Fifth, the international structures of finance, production and trade, including agricultural trade, must be made fairer and equitable.

Sixth, in humanitarian emergencies, vulnerable groups including minorities, migrants and refugees, face multiple challenges, including poverty and hunger. Millions of people are facing multidimensional

poverty and hunger starvation in conflict zones. The international community must demonstrate solidarity in line with the principle of burden and responsibility sharing.

Finally, the Group reaffirms its abiding commitment to fulfilling the goals and objectives in the World Summit for Social Development, especially poverty eradication, promotion of full and productive employment, and the fostering of social justice and inclusion.

Museveni further noted that unprecedented times call for an unprecedented response from the international community based on the principles of responsibility sharing and global solidarity. There is an imperative need for North-South, South-South and triangular cooperation, to support national efforts to eradicate poverty and hunger, and to realize the commitments made in the Copenhagen Declaration as well as those contained in the 2030 Agenda. To save the present and succeeding generations from the scourge of poverty and hunger, the international community should build a global architecture based on the developmental needs of peoples – a global system in which no one is left behind.

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