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Gen. Otafiire summoned over relocation of Luzira Prison

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Simon Kabayo
Simon Kabayo
Reporter whose work is detailed

Speaker Anita Among has asked Premier Robinah Nabbanja to summon Minister of Internal Affairs Gen. Kahinda Otafiire to come to Parliament and clarify on the reported relocation of Luzira Prison, after some legislators raised concern over integrity of this process, citing Otafire’s implication in several land grabbing scandals in Uganda.

The matter was raised by Mwatekamwa Gaffa (Igara West) seeking for guidance on the letters circulating on social media with signatures of President Museveni and Otafiire on supporting a Chinese Investor to construct a five-star Hotel at Luzira Prison land.   

“I have seen letters about relocation of Luzira Prison going through social media, but we have not had any Minister coming to Parliament to tell us if it is true or not. As we talk, the Minister Kahinda Otafiire is well known to be a land grabber,” Mbwatekamwa said.

However, Among first challenged the legislator whether the letter copied to him and if he is aware of the law in regard to leakage of official documents.

Mbwatekamwa who rose as whistle blower, said that the letter is no longer a secret rather it is in public domain and is supposed to table in the House.

Among later highlighted that though the issue of official Secrecy applies, if the statement is true, the Minister will come and give an explanation to this house. But giving an instruction that the prison should be shifted has no problem, but what has a problem is the process. Is the right process going to be followed is what is the issue?

In a letter dated July 2022, President Museveni expressed support for the idea of granting the land currently occupied by Luzira Prison to Tian Tang Group, a Chinese investor, for the construction of a luxury hotel. Minister Otafiire subsequently initiated negotiations with Tian Tang to proceed with the plan.

In another letter dated February 22, 2024, Minister Otafiire requested a consultative meeting on March 6 to discuss the matter further. He mentioned that the Uganda Prisons Service has identified land in Buikwe District for the relocation, with plans to purchase a portion of it. 

However, legal complications related to the ownership of the land have arisen, as the family of the late Antonio Lutwama Kabogoza, the original landowner, has not obtained letters of administration since his passing in 1928. Despite this, they have agreed to sell their interest in the land for the prison’s relocation

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