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 Why Brig Charity Bainabaabo was sent for military course

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Internal fights and intrigue at Special Forces Command have pushed the deputy commander Brig Charity Bainabaabo out of her job.

Brig Bainabaabo who is also a Member of Parliament will be away for one year to attend National Defence College in Buikwe in July this year.

With her absence for a year, it’s not clear how she shall balance being a Member of Parliament representing the UPDF and her absence from the House for the next one year.

According to sources close to SFC, the one-star General who is also related to the First Lady is an ambitious officer who was giving her boss, Maj Gen David Mugisha hard time to run the command.

“There were lots of fights and it was increasingly becoming a concern,” the source said.

In the UPDF, it’s a known secret when an officer is sent for a military course is always seen as an indirect way of sacking them.

Who is Brig Bainabaabo?

She joined the military in 1998 for basic training at Kabamba military School before doing a cadet course in Jinja in 1999. She attended Company Commander’s Course in Jinja in 2008 before doing Senior Command and Staff College at Kimaka.

Brig Bainabaabo has been accused of being rude to his subordinates and the reports reached the president who decided to send her for a course.

In 2023, there were media reports that she had insulted a Foreign Officer called Solomon Kasasira working at Uganda’s embassy in Burundi.

Brig Bainabaabo will be among the third lot of the officers who will be attending the new NDC which was opened two years ago.

The second cohort is finishing its one-year course in July this year. Among those attending the second cohort is the former UPDF Spokesperson Col Paddy Ankunda and the former Third Division Commander Brig Joseph Balikkudembe.

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