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Police detain SFC soldier for shooting four family members dead

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Police are holding Pte. Robert Herbertson Birivumbuka, a soldier attached to Special Force Command (SFC), for shooting four people dead.

His arrest was confirmed by Claire Nabakka, Deputy Police Spokesperson.

Pte Birivumbuka is reported to have escaped from his place of work and proceeded to Namale village, Kabayingire parish, Buwaya sub-county, Mayuge District, where he walked into the home of Buyinza Mudhasi Isaac 40 and started spraying bullets into the house.

During the shootout, Mudhasi was killed, and his three children died on the spot, while five other family members were critically injured. The shooting is linked to land wrangles.

According to Maj. Jimmy Omara, the SFC Spokesperson, upon committing the offense, the said soldier then rushed back to his place of work in a bid to allude to any possible suspicion, but his unit had already detected his absence.

“Once he returned, he was arrested because all fingers pointed to him. He is detained in the SFC facility, awaiting the long arm of the law to dispense justice,” he said.

Maj. Omara urged the people of Namale to cooperate with the investigators so that the suspect is quickly brought forward to face the law.

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