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Rugiirwa’s diplomatic passport came from Nasser Road – Mundeyi

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Simon Kabayo
Simon Kabayo
Reporter whose work is detailed

Simon Peter Mundeyi, the Spokesperson for Uganda’s Ministry of Internal Affairs has revealed that Katatumba Rugiirwa must have obtained a diplomatic passport from Nasser Road- a notorious area in Kampala known for producing counterfeit documents or it belongs to his late parent, Boney Katatumba, former Honorary Consul of Pakistan.

Rugiirwa who is battling with financial scandals was seen on social media chilling with a diplomatic passport which raised concerns and a section of Ugandans petitioned the Immigration office seeking clarity on how a common citizen could be in possession of such a high-level document.

 “The passport he is displaying may have come from Nasser Road or could belong to a parent. He did not open it for inspection. For someone to hold a diplomatic passport they must be of high standing in society or hold a significant office,” Mundeyi said.   

Mundeyi noted that after thorough investigations, it was revealed that no diplomatic passport was issued in the name of Rugiirwa Katatumba.

“People might want to show off on social media with a red passport but we will now ask the police to investigate and have this individual produce the passport he is displaying so we can verify its authenticity,” Mundeyi said.

After his death in 2018, Angella Katatumba illegally occupied his office and then helped her brother acquire the passport illegally.

However, the High Commission for Pakistan in Nairobi described the honorary Consulate of Pakistani currently operating in Uganda under Ugandan singer and songwriter Angella Katatumba as fake, fictitious and with no legal authority.

The investigations have been ongoing to determine the origins of the passport and whether it was produced through illicit means on Nasser Road, which has long been associated with document forgery. This case underscores broader concerns about the misuse of diplomatic privileges and the integrity of official documentation in Uganda.

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