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Finance Ministry releases shs15tn for third quarter gov’t expenditure

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The Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development has released Shs15.64 trillion as the government’s expenditure for the third quarter of the current 2024/25 financial year.

Finance Ministry Permanent Secretary Ramathan Ggoobi, revealed that by end of December 2024,the government had collected domestic revenues amounting to Shs 15.33 trillion against a target for the half year of Shs 15.01 trillion, implying a cumulative surplus of Shs 326.83 billion.

Ggoobi said that the ministry is finalizing full transfer of budget functions for institutions affected by the RAPEX process and upon approval by Parliament; the budgets will be transferred to the host institutions.

He also said the Q3 Expenditure Limits for FY 2024/25 were derived from the quarterly Work Plans and Procurement Plans of Ministries, Departments, and Agencies, taking into consideration the projected resource inflows.

“For this Quarter (January — March 2025), Shs 15.64 trillion, has been released representing 21.68% of the approved budget,” he said.

Of this, Shs 2.044 trillion to cater for wages and salaries across Government, Shs 283.28 billion for Pension and Gratuity and Shs 308.75 billion to Local Governments.

Of this, Shs 112.28 billion is Education Capitation grants to cater for the first term of the school year and Shs 36.6 billion for health institutions under the Local Governments.

For Wealth creation funds, Shs 529 billion is for Parish Development Model (PDM), Shs 30 billion for Uganda Development Bank and Shs 31 billion for Uganda Development Corporation.

A total of Shs 92.75 billion has been released to all Public Universities, Uganda Management Institute and Law Development Centre in line with Semester two requirements.

 Shs 45.77 billion has been allocated to the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development to cater for the operational budget as well as subventions under the Ministry including the Social Assistance Grants for Empowerment.

For Health institutions,  Shs 35.9 billion is for Referral Hospitals including Mulago and Butabika Hospitals Shs 6.84 billion for Uganda Cancer Institute; Shs 7.52 billion for Uganda Heart Institute; Shs 5.78 billion for Uganda Blood Transfusion Services; Shs21.85 billion is to cater for subventions under Ministry of Health; Shs 110.65 billion has been released to National Medical Stores (NMS) for the purchase of essential drugs and medicine. Cumulatively, this brings the amount so far released to NMS to Shs 584.08 billion (85% of the approved budget).

For Security institutions, the Ministry of Defence and Veteran Affairs takes Shs 348.3 billion;  Uganda Police Force — Shs 83.38 billion; Uganda Prisons Services — Shs 40.11 billion; the Internal Security Organisation — Shs 28.08 billion; and, External Security Organisation — Shs 18.71 billion.

For ATMS votes under Agro-industrialization, Shs 15.73 billion is for interventions under the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF), National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO) and National Animal Genetic Resource Centre and Data Bank (NAGRC&DB). Of this Shs 3 billion is for Dairy Development Authority (DDA), National Agricultural Advisory Services (NAADS), Cotton Development Organization and Uganda Coffee Development Authority (UCDA) but await Parliamentary approval for more the funds to MAAIF.

For Tourism development, Shs 34.05 billion has been released for Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities and Uganda Tourism Board; Mineral-Based Industrial Development including oil and gas (M): Shs 63 billion is for Uganda National Oil Company (UNOC) and Shs 4.65 billion under Petroleum Authority of Uganda.

For Science, Technology and Innovation including ICT, Shs 85 billion is for interventions under Science, Technology and innovation, Ministry of ICT and National Guidance and National Information Technologies Authority.

Parliament has been allocated Shs 166.51 billion,  Judiciary — Shs 58.23 billion; Auditor General — Shs 16 billion; and Missions Abroad — Shs 115 billion (this brings their total release to 100%).

National Citizenship and Immigration Control has been allocated  Shs 16.05 billion; Uganda Registration Services Bureau —Shs 5.26 billion; National Lotteries and Gaming Board — Shs 2.08 billion; and Uganda National Bureau of Standards — Shs 1.64 billion.

A total of Shs 3.314 trillion has been provided to cater for the development requirements i.e. both GoU and External financing.

For ATMS  Agro-industrialization — Shs 52.30 billion is for interventions under the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries, National Animal Genetic Resource Centre and Data Bank (NAGRC&DB) and under National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO). Funds meant for Dairy Development Authority (DDA) and Uganda Coffee Development Authority (UCDA) will be transferred to MAAIF after Parliamentary approval.

For tourism development — Shs 4.66 billion is for ongoing projects in Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities i.e. development of Source of the Nile project; for Science, Technology and Innovation including ICT, Shs 40.92 billion is for interventions under Ministry of ICT and National Guidance and National Information Technologies Authority.

Ministry of Defence and Veteran Affairs will get Shs 469.16 billion; Uganda Police Force — Shs 78.89 billion for construction of new apartment blocks in Naguru and Kotido, contractual obligations for intelligence systems and classified assets; State House — Shs 5.43 billion; Uganda Prisons Service — Shs 3.54 billion for seed production, completion of two silo storage facilities and construction of prisoners and staff accommodation; while the Directorate of Government Analytical Laboratory (DGAL)  has been allocated Shs 3.93 billion for the completion of the DNA bank and pending certificates.

For the Ministry of Works and Transport — Shs 396.55 billion is for the implementation of Standard Gauge Railway, Meter Gauge Railway, Kabalega International Airport and Bukasa Port projects.

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development has been allocated Shs 243.34 billion to cater for Rural electrification, transmission lines, capacity charges for ElectroMax (Shs 5.5 billion) and mineral development.

The Ministry of Kampala Capital City and Metropolitan Affairs has been allocated Shs 111.58 billion for the implementation of the Greater Kampala Urban Development Project.

A total of Shs 124.45 billion has been allocated to Ministry of Education and Sports for the Uganda Secondary School Expansion Project (USEEP), refugee skilling project and other contractual obligations; while Shs 15.95 billion for capital development under universities;

Shs264.71 billion will go to the Ministry of Health. Part of these funds will support Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI), Global Fund and outstanding contractual obligations.

 Shs43.42 billion is for contractual obligations under Uganda Cancer Institute and Uganda Heart Institute. Regional hospitals have been allocated Shs 6.85 billion; Local Governments — Shs 231.64 billion to support the upgrading of Health Centre Its to Health Centre Ills; completion of seed secondary schools and micro scale irrigation projects.

Accounting Officers have been directed to prioritise payment of service providers on time. “Accounting Officers should stop committing to the government without a budget and businesses should not provide a service to any government entity without a budget,” Ggoobi said.

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