Stanbic Bank
Stanbic Bank
Stanbic Bank
Stanbic Bank
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Stanbic Bank
Stanbic Bank
Stanbic Bank
Stanbic Bank


Museveni hails districts officials’ retreat at NALI

President Museveni has expressed his gratitude over the retreat organized for district officials at the National Leadership Institute (NALI) to discuss effective service delivery...

South Africa anti-immigrant violence: Hundreds held

More than 300 people have been arrested in South Africa in connection with a wave of violence against immigrants from other parts of Africa,...

Highest sickle cell burden in North and Central Uganda – New Study

Clad in a nicely fitting knee-length hot-red skirt suit with her hair neatly plaited in black bob braids, Ruth Nankanja is the embodiment of...

South Africa apologises for xenophobia attacks on African workers

KAMPALA: South African High Commission officials in Kampala have apologized for the ongoing anti-immigrant xenophobia protests that have rocked two major towns of Durban...

‘Sheikh Kayongo’s death is untimely’- Museveni

President Museveni has expressed his condolences upon the death of the Supreme Mufti, Sheikh Zubair Kayongo. The President was speaking today at Kibuli Mosque...

