Over 77 per cent students have passed the 2019 grade III primary teachers examinations. The examinations were released by the state minister for higher education Dr. John Chrysestom Muyingo.
According to results, 9493 students sat for the exams from 46 and 19 government and private centers in the country. Of the 9493, there were 5380 female and 4113 male students.
The results show that 7391 students passed the examinations, 1635 failed and 467 ungraded. The improvement in performance is alluded to revised entry requirements where a student must have credit in Mathematics and English.
Speaking at the releasing of exams, the vice chancellor of Kyambogo University Prof Elly Katunguka, applauded whoever passed the exams and urged those who failed to try again and fulfill their dreams.
The minister who officiated the function on behalf of the first lady who doubles as the minister of education and sport Janet Kataha Museveni, said applauded all primary teaching colleges for the commitment they exhibited in producing quality teachers.
“Am happy that this time round we are not talking about poor performance but improvement in the education sector. Admission of weak students was the cause of poor teachers.” He said
He urged tutors to put in more efforts to train teachers for the profession to regain its credibility. In tandem, the minister directed his ministry to investigate the reason behind the poor performance of private teacher’s colleges in the country.
The minister also inaugurated the national task force that will establish the Uganda national institute for teacher training (UNITE). The task force comprises Prof Joseph Oonyu who acts as the chairperson, Dr. Joyce Ayikoru, the Vice chairperson.
Members are Proscovia Namubiru, Brighton Barugahare (legal advisor), Sizoomu George, Caroline Nakidde Kavuma (Coordinator), Fr. Adrian K .Katarikawe (public relations and secretariat), Amos Oumo (Estates manage of the task force), Mary Nicole Kisawuzi (Administration secretary of the task force), Phoebe Nalwasa (Personal secretary UNITE secretariat), Christine Betty Aguti (Front office manager) and Ezra Kaggwa Twawona (office manager).