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Why is there no impact on the office of the RDCs as was the case in the late 1980s and early 1990s?

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In security/strategic studies, we learn that when you fail to demystify, you create a mystery. This is so because in the cycle of every man/woman, there is an empty void. One will notice many times that many people change what they say so that it doesn’t contradict what they do.

Direct/open involvement by officers of the State such as Police spokespersons who in the Daily Monitor dated December 14, 2021 page 8 “Bobi free to access Kayunga for LC5 campaigns” and the Resident District Commissioner who said Bobi wouldn’t be permitted to enter Kayunga District for the campaigns brought shame to the government and portrays Kayunga as the only local government electoral area in the whole country yet there are Local Government elections in 114 electoral areas and districts put together. I would have put them in hot water balloons and sent them to unknown spaces if I were the president, for these are people who deserve to undergo character transplant for they want to cause the masses to believe in the saying that those who vote decide nothing but those who count votes decide everything.

Kayungu District is too small an area to deploy over 20 RDCs to mobilise voters in an area where they don’t have superior knowledge of. Government is entrusted to deliver an antelope to the people of Uganda instead it’s officers are simply delivering a rabbit instead. This will force the population to conclude that if there is no food for them to eat, they are going to eat the government, the best example is the Medical Interns’ strike which unfortunately is eating up the people (poor patients). Mr President, I am putting up my heart For Sale because of the ongoing mistakes. I am one of the poor,orphan patients actually very poor, first I felt like committing suicide considering that Your Excellency have been over burdened (Bitting what can’t be swallowed) such as war against Buganda Land Board, failure to gazette cultural leader of Bugisu, construction of roads in Congo yet the road to my home village, Bududa is impassable, My second dose of Sinovac vaccine is nowhere to be acquired, High tech corruption yet health workers have no basic PPEs.

Removal of bail for capital offenders. Through Your Excellency, I give the World a golden opportunity to sell my heart for whoever needs a transplant. Anyone who feels he/she may need middle aged yet vigorous heart for only $100,000, I request that the money be sent to my family account as soon as possible whoever the buyer will collect his heart in three years’ time, this simple delay is necessary so that I can spend the money on my would be three remaining orphan children receive good university education, upon expiry of the three years, delivery will be prompt, This will also help me to depart so that I don’t witness the bloody chaos of the next election. When the NRM/A took power in the ’80s, central government representatives were referred to as Special District Administrators (SDAs), then later called Central Government Representatives (CGR), this was the time when I had just finished my studies in Nairobi, where I met now First Lady Mrs. Museveni and her then young family. H.E The President then severally and variously wrote guidelines and directives to mobilizers including then SDAs/CGRs and other political leaders on key and topical areas on which to mobilise the masses.

The President described a mobilizer as a person who should remove doubts, explain disappointments and maintain hope. Subjects such as HIV/AIDS awareness campaigns, National and Human Security, Food Security, Land Fragmentation practices, Banana wilt disease, Immunisation and Vaccination against Killer Diseases, Illegal evictions, Respect and Advancement of Cultural Institutions (Buganda, Tooro, Bunyoro Kingdoms plus chiefdoms such as Busoga, Inzu Ya Masaaba in Bugisu etc.)

The question therefore, why is there no impact on the office of the RDCs as was the case in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The SDAs and CGRs “SIGIRIs” as we’re popularly referred to by grassroot masses were Pre-constituent Assembly, Pre-multiparty field officers who enjoyed powers to make decisions and even cause on-site arrests of corrupt or criminal suspects without politicization as it is today. The officers (SDAs/CGRs) were appraised by absentee supervisors/superiors without regard for being bribed in order to receive positive appraisal reports. They (field officers) would file effective, unbiased periodical reports without fear of counter petitions by corrupt, criminal local councils (politicians). That a district like the greater Mbarara starting at the border with Tanzania and ended at Kiburara Mpanga bridge neighbouring Kabarole and the SDA/CGR then would cover all these stretches without fail yet ill-equipped with old vehicles now we have new vehicles with very small county districts but with low production and biased reports.

Nabendeh Wamoto S.P (0776658433/0752658433)

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