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Presidential age limit bill: A round-up of events during today’s plenary

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Today, Parliament had the late inclusion of a motion by Igara West MP Raphael Magyezi, seeking to amend Article 102 (b) of the 1995 Constitution, to expunge the age limit. Magyezi’s bill has caused anxiety and anger, with the MPs exchanging blows in the afternoon amid accusations of Water Resources State minister Ronald Kibuule entering with a gun in the Parliamentary Chambers.

Below we reproduce part of today’s proceedings in Parliament.

Kadaga: I know that sometimes members enjoy bright colors especially looking bright but I want to invite the MPs from this side to remove their bandanas. You are in breach of Rule 73 which requires decorum in this House.

I have spent a bit of time trying to rationalize a number of requests, motions for amendment of the Constitution so I will be amending the order paper to permit those which are eligible to be presented and I will be talking about that a bit later.

For a long time, we have been demanding government presents Constitutional amendment, the last time we discussed it, was one year ago when we asked them to bring a comprehensive amendment. They haven’t done so. I am now constrained; I don’t know how long I can continue stopping members from bringing motions. So, I think now that Government has failed, members should proceed and bring motions so that we do our part.

For me to include that notice on the Order Paper, the Speaker must have received that notice by September 21st 2017.

The following have met the test to be included on the order paper.

Motion for Leave of Parliament to introduce constitutional amendment by Magyezi to amend the constitution to provide the time ( in regard to all presidential and parliamentary elections)also had both draft motion and bill.

Lyomoki to amend the constitution and article 98 to provide for a transitional time for physical smooth and transition for the first president or provide immunities, exemptions to the same individual when they cease to be president and amend article 105(2) to introduce term limits on the office of the president.

The notice was received on 21st September 2017 and there was a slight amendment on the 25th September and a copy received by the office of clerk to Parliament.


Resolution of Parliament urging government to urgently constitute a constitutional review commission to comprehensively review the Constitution. This notice was received on 18th September 2017.

Not Competent for Inclusion

Leave of Parliament to introduce the constitutional amendment to amend the constitution to remove all restrictions imposed in the constitution for all elective offices. Received on 22nd September 2017, it wasn’t copied to the clerk, it had a draft motion which came on the 25th September 2017

Motion for leave of Parliament to amend the constitution moved by Nambeshe to require MPs once appointed to Ministerial position to relinquish their Parliamentary seats received on 22nd September 2017 not copied to clerk and didn’t have a draft motion and draft bill.

Motion for leave of Parliament to introduce a constitutional amendment moved by Muyanja Mbabali to amend the constitution to create a second chamber so that Parliament constitutes two Houses, a lower chamber and the upper chamber received on 18th September 2017, copied to clerk and had no draft bill.

Ssenyonga of Mukono South Constitutional amendment to make provision for the issue of federo.

Proposal received on the 25th September 2017 not copied to Clerk and had no draft motion.

Constitutional to amend constitution to remove all academic requirements for all eligible offices 22ndSeptember 2017, not copied to clerk

Constitutional amendment once appointed to relinquish parliament seats not copied to clerk

Jaquiline Amongin: I need to be heard. Today when I was moving to this house, I was stopped by people putting on red, I don’t know why red is in the House, wouldn’t be procedural rise even ribbons aside, probably there is a function.

Kadaga: I have already addressed that. The matter you are raising has already been addressed.

I can’t control what is on the street; my business is in the House.

Kiiza Winnie: When we were sitting on this chamber the presiding speaker that the matter of pending motion won’t come as a surprise. For purposes of all Ugandans to know. Is it procedurally correct for us to be ambushed, but a ruling had been made on the matter. Time and again we have had to abide by ruling of the speaker, in a way of ambush when the order paper was brought out early enough

Kadaga: are you questioning the powers of the speaker.

Sseggona: I am alive to the fact that I is within your powers but leaders especially you are known by their consistency you have maintained over time. I was very keen on the order of presentation. Deal with these motions in their order of dates, nsamaba would have to come in first

I would appeal to otafiire responsisible for this commi=otion, if I were him, I would be more descent at listeniong. If otafirre knew what he was dealing.

A matter of priveledge

Kadaga: The surgeant has assured me there are no guns.

Please take your seats and I investigate what is happening. Ssewanyana and Kibuule, Ssekikubo

Mbwatekamwa, Bobi Wine, Dhamuzungu Geofrey

William Nzoghu raised on point of order

The House is full to capacity some members are not safe because some guns have been sneaked into the House. For the safety of MPs I wish to seek you indulgence, to get out and they celan us one by one, even you, you aren’t safe in that seat.


I must confess with difficulty I am introducing this but an issue touching safety of members has been raised, issue of safety that guns have been raised, this is a matter, wouldn’t be procedurally right that we get searched. Some cann object. Where mu

Kadaga: I think we shouldn’t work on allegations

Musumba: I was raising on point of order. Allegations can’t be entertained in this House, if the bare they in order to allege there are guns in this House.

Can I request kibule to exit the chambers? 3:17pm

Rukutana: This is a well-orchestrated plan removed huis

Kadaga: so let us speak with our mouths, let us not use fists. It is part of Parliament etiquette to listen to others.

Kadaga: Ssewanyana can you please either take your seat or get out.

Kadaga: Substantiate the allegations.

Ssemujju: when I entered this parliament at 2pm, crossed from the other =side and actually warned me that today, I am going to face death. We can get that evidence from the camera. The issue of our security, MPs takes president over anything else including the report she is reading. We requested we get, was sandwiched and he came waving his coat, we can’t pretend and sit until we have been searched and there is no body found to have a gun. I am raising this because I have been personally told I am going to face death, the gun has now gone missing. You have told me but we aren’t here to be killed by Kibuule. I want to ask you that before we proceed with any business we check each MP maybe for you you don’t care and I don’t want to persuade you to care about youyr life. Whether we can proceed as if nothing has happened.

Kadaga: If you are saying threats were issued, I will get the evidence from our cameras.

While all this was going on, Magyezi was seen hiding in the armpits of Lawrence Bategeka (Hoima Municipality); Amoding even crossed and was seen seated on the Opposition side.

Semujju: I am being insulted by Guma who was in jail over murder. It is important that people discuss the issue of oil when the atmosphere outside isn’t. Students in Kyambogo and Makerere are being beaten by the army. There can be excitement but those of us who have been here for long, I saw here Mbabazi (Amama) and you know where he is.


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