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Magufuli fires two officials over quake money

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Peter Etiang
Peter Etiang
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Tanzania President John Pombe Magufuli has sacked two senior officials for opening a fake account to siphon money from fund set up to help September quake victims.

According to media sources, Regional Administrative Secretary Amantius Msole and the Bukoba City Municipal Council Director Steven Makonda opened up an account with the same names as the one opened by the government of Tanzania, ostensibly to siphon money from the quake fund.

The fund has since collected billions of Tanzania shillings, money to be used in the reconstruction efforts in the ravaged areas.

Early this month a 5.7 Richter scale earthquake ravaged the Kagera region, killing 19 people and destroying thousands of homes in northern Tanzania.

As a result several countries, organisations and individuals made material and cash contributions including Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni who contributed US$200, 000.

Since he came to power about a year ago, Magafuli has distinguished himself as a hands-on president, making surprise visits to institutions that have a history of non-service delivery. In the process several top public servants have lost their jobs.

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