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Energy ministry launches awards

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Business will never be the same in the energy sector as the line ministry – the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development – has come up with a plan to reward companies that have excelled in the efficient use of energy, achieving substantial savings within their facilities.

Known as the Energy Management Awards (EMAs) 2018, the awards categorized into five are: Best Champion of the Year, Best Energy Management Practices, Electricity Savings Award (Industrial Large, Industrial Medium and Industrial Small), Fuel Savings Award (Industrial Large, Industrial Medium and Industrial Small) and Service Sector Award that will include hotels, universities and commercial buildings.

The awards, the first of the kind in the country, come via a partnership between the energy ministry, GIZ Promotion of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficient Programme (PREEEP), the Sustainable Use of Natural Resources Energy Finance (SUNREF) and the Uganda Manufacturers Association (UMA).

The annual awards to place in April 2018 will have participants meet the December 31, 2017 deadline for registration.

‘A technical committee at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development will evaluate the Express of Interest and inform the companies which will have qualified to participate in the Awards’, reads part of the statement.

The organisers will hold an award gala where winners and runners-up will receive their accolades.

It is expected that the launch of the energy management awards will entice both small and big industries to efficiently use energy in their production processes.

In the past years the Ministry of Energy has been holding the ‘Energy Week’ aimed at sensitizing the public about the advantages of using the available energy efficiently in view of the fact that the country is still developing energy plants like hydro-power dams to provide enough power for use in domestic and industrial establishments.

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