Former Internal Security Organization (ISO) Director-General Rtd. Col Kaka Bagyenda on Thursday 4 November failed to appear before the Parliamentary Appointments Committee for the vetting process for his new role as Ugandan Ambassador to Angola.
Last month, President Museveni appointed Col Bagyenda Uganda’s Ambassador to Angola after he relieved him of his duties as the internal spy chief and replaced him with Lt Col Charles Oluka, the former director-in-charge of technical services.
By law, Col Bagyenda is supposed to appear before the Parliamentary Appointments Committee to be approved but he failed to show up without any official communication.
On the 28th of October 2020, the Clerk to Parliament Jane Kibirige wrote to two presidential appointees Dr. Hassan Galiwango and Col Kaka Bagyenda to appear before the Parliamentary Appointments committee on Thursday this week for approval as required by law.
Sources close to Col. Kaka say the former spy master isn’t interested in heading to Luanda as a diplomat.
Dr Galiwango was appointed Uganda’s ambassador to Kenya after being dropped as the director of Finance at NRM Secretariat. Galiwango appeared before the committee at 10.00 am.