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Stanbic Bank

Gripping corruption in Uganda hampers U.S companies from investing in the economy- Amb. Malac

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Kampala: U.S. Ambassador to Uganda Deborah Malac says gripping corruption in Uganda has become a major obstacle that is hampering U.S companies from investing in Ugandan economy.

Every year, Uganda loses billions of shillings to corrupt officials hence retarding the thriving of Ugandan economy. According to Corruption Perceptions Index of 2017, Uganda is ranked number 151 out of 180 in terms of Transparency, fighting the vicious vice and taking bribes.

The sum of money that is lost to corrupt official every day could be used for building schools, improving healthcare, roads and growing the economy.
Speaking at the 242nd US Independence Day celebrations Malac said, for Uganda to prosper, the first step to be taken is reducing corruption adding it has complicated the competition for investment dollars is in Uganda and Africa as continent.

“If the rules of the road are unclear or are ignored, or if decisions are delayed in the hopes of ‘facilitation’, legitimate, world-class companies will go elsewhere taking their job-creating opportunities with them,” she said at US embassy.

Malac said, U.S. companies expect a level playing field when it comes to business opportunities, “we hear too many stories of contracts being ignored and U.S. companies that are cheated,” added us ambassador.

“USA is committed to working in partnership with Ugandans to achieve the brighter future and that is what we all want to see for this country, we are here to support Ugandans and to help create opportunities so that all Ugandans can shape their future,”

In spite of the shooting cases of corruption, government is playing a critical role in curbing the vice. Currently there is an ongoing prosecution of former Principle Accountant in the Office of the Prime Minister Geoffrey Kazinda, The former Managing Director for National Social Security Fund (NSSF) David Chandi Jamwa, Former Minister of Works and Transport Engineer Abraham Byandala among other cases.

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