Government has ordered for the suspension on expenditure by its ministries and agencies on christmas and end of year parties.
In a letter dated December 9, to all Accounting Officers of both Central and Local Government and to all heads of State Owned Enterprises and Public Corporation, government said it is faced with expenditure pressure and as such, the government is undertaking efficient measures which entail the need to adjust spending during the festive season in all ministries, agencies and local governments.
“Consequently, this is to direct you not to organise Christmas and end of year parties as well as not engage in printing of Christmas cards, diaries, calendars, buying of Christmas gifts and hampers and anything else related to such expenditures.” reads the letter.
” It further reads The purpose of this letter therefore, is to communicate as above and urge you to utilise electronic options to deliver the relevant messages” signed by Patrick Ocailap on behalf of the Permanent Secretary and Secretary to the Treasury which was copied to the Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development and head of Public Service/Secretary to Cabinet.
Government in an effort to curb non essential expenditure, has cut across its spending due to #Covid-19 pandemic that has strained the national economy and diverted some of the budgeted key sectors to find the health docket.