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UCE exams kick off next week

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A total of 349,445 candidates are scheduled to sit Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) Examinations from 3,703 Examination Centres, Eagle Online has learnt.

According to Daniel Odongo, the Executive Secretary of Uganda Examinations Board (UNEB), UCE Examinations for the 2022 candidates will officially start on Friday, October 14, 2022, with the briefing of candidates and the candidates will, thereafter, start writing their examination on Monday, October 17, 2022, starting with Mathematics one in the morning and Mathematics two in the afternoon.

Of the 349,445 candidates sitting exams this year, 175,923 (50.3%) of the candidates are males, while 173,522 (49.7%) are females.

“A total of 114,200 (32.7%) of the candidates are funded under the Universal Secondary Education (USE) Programme, while 235,245 (77.3%) candidates are Non-USE. 51 candidates who are inmates in Luzira Upper Prison will also write their examination from the Prison,” he said.

He said 519 of the candidates are Special Needs Education (SNE) candidates. Access arrangements have been made for these SNE learners to receive the necessary support in accordance with their needs.

The Board has introduced a toll-free line 0800-211-077 which members of the public can use to report any suspected case of examination malpractice.  The Board also has now in place a whistle Blower’s policy to protect those reporting from victimization.

“We appeal to Heads of Centres to ensure that the SOPs provided by the Ministry of health for the control of COVID-19 and Ebola are adhered to. While the incidence of COVID-19 appears to have declined, and we must thank God for that, care must still be taken,” he said.

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